Editing a Studio user

The Users page also allows you to edit a user's account.

From the Users page, to edit a user:

  1. In the Studio header, click the Configuration Options icon and select Control Panel.
  2. Select User Settings > Users
  3. Click the Actions button next to the user.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. To change the user's password:
    1. In the Password field, type the new password.
    2. In the Retype Password field, re-type the new password.
  6. To change the user role, from the Role list, select the new role.
  7. Under Projects, to add a user as an project member:
    1. Make sure the list is set to Available Projects. These are projects the user is not yet a member of.
    2. Select the check box next to each project you want to add the user to.
    3. For each project, from the Role list, select the project role to assign to the user.
  8. Under Projects, to change the project role for or remove the user from a project:
    1. From the list, select Assigned Projects.

      The list shows the projects the user is currently a member of.

    2. To change the user's project role, from the Role drop-down list, select the new project role.
    3. To remove the user from a project, deselect the check box.
  9. Click Save.