
The Timeline component allows you to see changes in the value of one or more metrics over the same time period. For example, one timeline could track total sales against the sale date, and another could track total claims against the claim date.

Timeline component

The component consists of:

Timeline Type Description
Master timeline Used to set the range of dates to use on all of the metric timelines.

The full range of available dates is based on the earliest and latest dates that are available for the date attributes displayed on the metric timelines.

From the Master Timeline, you can also select a date subset to use on the charts. You can only select date spans that are available for all of the selected date attributes.

Note also that on the Master Timeline, the metric values are plotted based on the relative minimum and maximum values for each metric. The metrics do not use a single scale.

Metric timelines Each metric timeline is a bar or line chart that is associated with a specific data set. To plot the chart, the metric timeline uses:
  • A date/time attribute, for the horizontal axis of the chart. If a data set does not include at least one date/time attribute, then you cannot use it on the Timeline component.
  • A metric value to plot against the date/time values

Each metric timeline includes the number of matching records for the current refinement.

You can add and remove metric timelines, and use a date range to refine the data.

Administrators can also save a configuration as the default to display for all users.