About transform functions

Transform functions are customized Groovy functions available in Studio that you can include in your transformation scripts. Each transform function performs a specific operation on your data, from simple ones, such as converting an attribute to a different data type, to more complex ones, such as determining the overall sentiment of a document or a String of text.

Studio provides these types of custom transform functions:
  • Conversion functions convert values to different data types.
  • Date functions perform actions on Date objects, such as adding a specific amount of time to a Date.
  • Enrichment functions are based on Data Enrichment modules in Studio. You can use them to extract complex information from your data.
  • Geocode functions perform actions on Geocode objects, such as calculating the distance between two Geocode objects.
  • Math functions perform mathematical operations on numerical values.
  • Set functions perform different actions on sets of values on multi-value attributes in Studio, such as obtaining the size of the value set, checking whether a set is empty, or converting a multi-value attribute to a single-value attribute. Set functions only work on multi-value (also known as multi-assign) attributes.
  • String functions perform different actions on String values, such as concatenating two String values, or splitting a single String into multiple values.