Creating, editing, and deleting bookmarks

You can create new bookmarks. You can also edit or delete bookmarks that you have created.

To create, edit, or delete a bookmark:

  1. To create a new bookmark:
    1. Within a project, click Discover.
    2. Click the bookmarks icon in the left panel.
    3. At the bottom of the Bookmarks pane, click Add New Bookmark.
    4. In the Bookmark Name field, enter a name.

      All bookmarks you create must have a unique name.

    5. In the Description field, provide an optional description for the bookmark.
    6. To make the bookmark a shared bookmark available to all users with access to the current project, select the Share this bookmark with all project users check box.
    7. Click Save.
  2. To edit a bookmark you created:
    1. Click the information icon next to the bookmark name.
      The bookmark details panel displays:

      Details panel for a bookmark
    2. Select Actions > Edit.
    3. Use the Edit Bookmark dialog to modify the bookmark name, description, or sharing status:

      Edit Bookmark dialog for editing a bookmark
    4. Click Save.
  3. To delete a bookmark you created:
    1. Click the information icon next to the bookmark name.
    2. Select Actions > Delete.
      A confirmation dialog displays.
    3. Click Click to delete.