Displaying and navigating to bookmarks

The bookmarks panel displays bookmarks created by the current user for the current project. It also includes any shared bookmarks created by other users.

To display and navigate to bookmarks:

  1. Within a project, click Discover.
  2. Click the bookmarks icon in the left panel:

    Shows the location of the bookmarks icon on the Discover page.

    The Bookmarks pane displays.

    Bookmarks you create are listed under My Bookmarks. If you configure a bookmark to be available to other users, it is marked with a shared icon. The Shared Bookmarks list contains shared bookmarks created by other users.

  3. To search for a bookmark, use the Filter field.

    Studio filters the list to display bookmarks where entered text is included in the bookmark name, bookmark description, or the refinements associated with the bookmark. Search results include both your bookmarks and shared bookmarks.

  4. To sort bookmarks, click Sort at the top of the Bookmarks pane and select a sort type.

    You can sort the list alphabetically by bookmark name, or based on the order that bookmarks were created.

    Sort options for a list of bookmarks
  5. To navigate to a specific bookmark, click the bookmark name.