Configuring attribute value formats

For values displayed on a component, you can configure the display format.

Components can display:
  • Attribute values from a data view
  • Predefined metrics from a data view
  • Component-specific metrics that are derived from the attribute values in a data view

For attribute values and predefined metrics, the default display format is configured in the Data Views page. See Configuring the default display format for an attribute. You can override these defaults on a per-component basis.

For component-specific metrics, the default display depends on the type of aggregation:

Aggregation Method Default Display Format







Uses the default display format for the original attribute.

Standard Deviation

Uses the default format (adjusted for locale) for a decimal number.
Count (Number of records with values)

Count Distinct (Number of unique values)

Uses the default format (adjusted for locale) for an integer number.

To configure the attribute value format for an attribute in a component:

  1. Open the Edit Attribute dialog for the attribute you wish to configure:
    Edit Attribute Display dialog for configuring a Results List attribute
  2. To hide the attribute name in the Results List, deselect the Display attribute name check box.
  3. To configure String values:
    1. To ignore line breaks and white space in the attribute value, deselect the Preserve spaces and line breaks check box.
    2. Configure the display limit for the attribute:
      • To limit attribute value display to a specific number of lines of text, select Truncation > Display up to and enter the number of lines to display.
      • To display the full text of the attribute value up to the maximum allowable length, select Truncation > Show full record text.
    3. Expand the Display Options section and configure the Text Format settings.
      These include:
      • Text size
      • Text weight (Bold or Normal)
      • Text alignment within the template block

      At the top of the display settings is a sample value showing the current configuration adjusted for your locale.

  4. To configure numeric values:
    1. Expand the Value Formatting section and configure the Basic Formatting settings.
      These include:
      Basic formatting fields for a numeric value
      • Metric Type - Used to display numeric values as currency or percentage values. When selecting Percentage, the value is multiplied by 100. Note that any attribute that is already formatted as a currency or percentage by default cannot be reconfigured.
      • Decimal Places - Used to limit the number of decimal places that display for the value.
      • Grouping Separator - Used to display or hide the grouping separator for thousands values.
    2. Configure Advanced Formatting settings.
      These include:
      Advanced formatting fields for a numeric value
      • Number Format - Use a negative sign or parentheses to indicate negative values.
      • Decimal Separator - Use a period or comma as a decimal point character.
      • Grouping Separator - Use a period or comma as a grouping separator character.
  5. To configure Boolean values:
    1. Expand the Value Formatting section and configure the Basic Formatting settings.
      These include:
      Value Formatting fields for a Boolean value
      • Default - Display the default configuration
      • Custom Values - Specify values to display in place of default "true" (1) or "false" (0) values.
  6. To configure geocode values:
    1. Expand the Value Formatting section and configure the Basic Formatting settings.
      These include:
      Value Formatting fields for a geocode value
      • Default - Display the default configuration.
      • Fixed length - Specify the number of decimal places to display for the latitude and longitude values.
  7. To configure date/time values:
    1. Expand the Value Formatting section and configure the Basic Formatting settings.
      These include:
      Value Formatting fields for a date/time attribute
      • Date Display - Select the format to use for the date. Available formats are determined by the locale. For some locales, the month displays first, and for others the day displays first.
      • Time Display - Select the format to use for the time.
  8. To configure time values:
    1. Expand the Value Formatting section and configure the Basic Formatting settings.
      These include:
      Value Formatting fields for a time value
      • Time Display - Select the format to use for the time.
  9. To configure attributes that are multi-value or use the Set aggregation:
    1. Expand the Multi-Value Formatting section and configure the Multi-Value Formatting settings.
    These include:
    Multi-Value Formatting section for configuring a displayed value on a component
    • Number of values to display - Set the number of values to display.
    • Multi-value Separator - Select the character to use to separate the values.
  10. Click Apply.