Configuring a metric

For a Pivot Table metric, you can configure the aggregation method for the metric, the tooltip for summary values, and the format of the metric value.

For information on selecting the aggregation method for a metric, see Selecting the aggregation method to use for a metric.

To configure all of the options for a metric:

  1. On the Table Layout tab, click the edit icon for the metric you want to edit.

    The Edit Count Metric dialog displays.

    Initial view of the metric configuration dialog for a Pivot Table metric
  2. The Summary Calculation section contains the Summary Tooltip field, used to add a description to the tooltip displayed when users hover the mouse over a metric value in a summary row or column.

    Summary Calculation section of the Configure Metric dialog for a Pivot Table metric
  3. The Display Options section contains a setting to determine the horizontal alignment of the value in the metric column. When the dialog is first displayed, the section is collapsed.

    To expand or collapse the section, click the section heading.

    Displays Options section of the Edit Metric dialog

    To select the alignment, click the radio button.

  4. The Value Formatting section contains settings to customize the format of the metric values.

    For details on formatting displayed values, see Configuring attribute value formats.

  5. To save the metric configuration, click Apply.