Paging through data

Components that display data may include a pagination toolbar. From the pagination toolbar, you can navigate through the data and also determine the amount of data to display per page.

The following components include a pagination toolbar:

To page through component data:

  1. At the left of the pagination toolbar are the navigation controls. To navigate using the paging toolbar:

    Toolbar for paging through a component
    • To navigate to the next or previous page, click the next or previous page button.
    • To navigate to the first or last page, click the first or last page icon.
    • To jump to a specific page, type the page number in the field, then press Enter.
  2. The right of the toolbar shows the current subset of records being displayed (for example, "1-50 of 500"). To change the amount of data displayed on each page:
    1. Click the drop-down icon next to the record subset information.
    2. From the pop-up list, select the number of items to display per page.
      Results per page popup for a component