Adding column sets to an aggregated table

For an aggregated Results Table, a column set is a group of metric values. All metric values display in column sets. While the dimension columns are always displayed, only one column set displays at a time. If there are multiple column sets, then end users use a list to select the column set to display.

On the Column Selection tab of the edit view, the Metric Column Sets list contains the column sets. Each column set can be collapsed to allow you to see more of the list.

Metric Column Sets list for an aggregated Results Table

The list always contains an empty column set slot, to allow you to add new sets.

The display order of the Metric Column Sets list determines the order they display in within the end user list. The column set at the top of the list is selected by default when the component is first displayed.

To manage the column sets:

  1. To add a new column set, drag a metric from the attributes list into the empty column set slot.

    A new column set is created containing the selected metric, and a new empty column set slot is added.

    The default name for a new column set is "New set", plus a number if needed to differentiate the name from other column sets.

  2. To add a column to an existing column set, drag a metric into the empty metric column slot for the column set.
  3. To determine the order of the column sets in the end user list, drag each set to the appropriate location in the list.
  4. Within each column set, to determine the display order of the columns, drag each column to the appropriate location in the column set.
  5. To configure the column set, click its edit icon.

    From the Edit column set dialog, you can configure the column set name.

  6. To remove a column set, click its delete icon.