Filtering records from the project data set

You can use the refinement state as a basis for removing records from the project data set. You can either remove records that match the refinement state, or remove records that do NOT match the refinement state.

For example, you might want to filter out all records with null values for certain attributes. Or you may want to filter out all records except those with Canada as the country value.

If you filter the records, then they are permanently removed from the project data set. However, they are still in the original data set.

To delete records from the project data set:

  1. In the Catalog, select a project.
  2. Select Explore and refine the data set to either represent the records you want to keep or exclude.
  3. Select Transform.
  4. From the transform menu, select Shaping > Filter rows.
  5. In the Transformation Editor, verify that the transform reflects the refinement state you selected.
    For example, this transform filters out records that have a color value of Silver:
    This image shows a very simple script in the Delete Rows editor.

  6. Choose a radio button to indicate whether to delete records that do NOT match the refine by selection or delete records that match the refine by selection.
  7. Either click Preview to see the previewed results of running the transformation, or click Add to Script to save the transformation step to the script.
  8. Click the numbered bubble to expand the Transform Script window.
  9. Click Commit to Project to run the script. If necessary, click the pencil icon to edit the transform before committing it.
    For example:
    This image shows the Transform Script window with one Delete script that can be committed.