TLS/SSL and Encryption options

BDD workflows can run on clusters that are secured with TLS/SSL and HDFS Data at Rest Encryption.


TLS/SSL provides encryption and authentication in communication between specific Hadoop services in the secured cluster. When TLS/SSL is enabled, all communication between the services is encrypted, and therefore provides a much higher level of security than a cluster that is not secured with TLS/SSL.

These BDD components can be configured to communicate in a cluster secured with TLS/SSL:
  • Studio
  • DP CLI
  • Dgraph HDFS Agent
  • Transform Service

The Installation Guide provides details on how to install BDD in a cluster secured with TLS/SSL.

HDFS Data at Rest Encryption

If HDFS Data at Rest Encryption is enabled in your Hadoop cluster, data is stored in encrypted HDFS directories called encryption zones. All files within an encryption zone are transparently encrypted and decrypted on the client side. Decrypted data is therefore never stored in HDFS.

If HDFS Data at Rest Encryption is enabled in your cluster, you must also enable it for BDD. For details, see the Installation Guide.