
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  P  R  S  T  U  W  Y  


  • aborted workflow jobs, cleaning up 1
  • Address GeoTagger 1
  • assignments 1
  • attributes
    • data types 1
    • multi-assign 1
    • single-assign 1


  • blacklists, CLI 1
  • boolean attribute type 1


  • Cleaning the source data 1
  • cleaning up aborted jobs 1
  • CLI, DP
    • about 1
    • configuration 1
    • cron job 1
    • flags 1
    • --incrementalUpdate flag 1
    • logging 1
    • permissions 1
    • --refreshData flag 1
    • running Incremental updates 1
    • running Refresh updates 1
    • white- and blacklists 1
  • configuration
    • date formats 1
    • Dgraph HDFS Agent logging 1
    • DP CLI 1
    • DP logging 1
    • Spark worker 1
  • cron job
    • Hive Table Detector 1
    • Refresh and Incremental updates 1


  • Data Enrichment modules
    • about 1
    • Entity extractor 1
    • excluding from workflows 1
    • IP Address GeoTagger 1
    • Language Detection 1
    • Noun Group extractor 1
    • Phonetic Hash 1
    • Reverse GeoTagger 1
    • Sentiment Analysis, document 1
    • Sentiment Analysis, sub-document 1
    • Tag Stripper 1
    • TF.IDF Term extractor 1
  • data model, Dgraph 1
  • Data Processing workflows
    • about 1
    • cleaning up aborted jobs 1
    • excluding enrichments 1
    • Kerberos support 1
    • logging 1
    • processing Hive tables 1
    • sampling 1
  • Data Set Logical Name for updates 1
  • data type conversions from Hive to Dgraph 1
  • date formats, supported 1
  • dateTime attribute type 1
  • Dgraph
    • attributes 1
    • data model 1
    • Kerberos support 1
    • record assignments 1
    • supported languages 1
  • Dgraph HDFS Agent
    • about 1
    • exporting data from Studio 1
    • ingesting records 1
    • Kerberos support 1
    • logging 1
    • logging configuration 1
  • disabling record and value search 1
  • double attribute type 1


  • enrichments 1
  • Entity extractor 1


  • flags, CLI 1


  • geocode attribute type 1


  • Hadoop integration with BDD 1
  • HDFS Data at Rest Encryption for BDD 1
  • Hive tables
    • created from Studio 1
    • ingesting 1


  • Incremental updates
    • about 1
    • Data Set Logical Name 1
    • --incrementalUpdate flag 1
    • running 1
  • IP Address GeoTagger 1


  • Kerberos support for BDD components 1


  • Language Detection module 1
  • languages, Dgraph supported 1
  • logging
    • Data Processing 1
    • Dgraph HDFS Agent 1
    • DP CLI 1
    • logs created during workflow 1
    • Transform Service 1
  • logging configuration file
    • Data Processing 1
    • Dgraph HDFS Agent 1
  • logical name for data sets 1
  • long attribute type 1


  • multi-assign attributes 1


  • Noun Group extractor 1


  • permissions, CLI 1
  • Phonetic Hash module 1
  • ping check for DP components 1
  • profiling 1


  • Refresh updates
    • about 1
    • Data Set Logical Name 1
    • --refreshData flag 1
    • running 1
  • Reverse GeoTagger 1


  • sampling 1
  • Sentiment Analysis module
    • document level 1
    • sub-document level 1
  • SerDe jar, adding 1
  • single-assign attributes 1
  • skipAutoProvisioning table property
    • about 1
    • changing 1
  • Snappy compression tables, processing 1
  • Spark node configuration 1
  • string attribute type 1
  • Studio
    • Hive tables created 1
    • Kerberos support 1


  • Tag Stripper module 1
  • TF.IDF Term extractor
    • about 1
  • time attribute type 1
  • TLS/SSL support in BDD 1
  • transformations 1
  • Transform Service log 1
  • type discovery, on columns 1


  • updates, data set 1


  • white lists, CLI 1
  • workflows run by Data Processing 1


  • YARN logs, accessing 1