Language Detection

The Language Detection module can detect the language of input text.

The Language Detection module can accurately detect and report primary languages in a plain-text input, even if it contains more than one language. The size of the input text must be between 35 and 30,000 words for more than 80% of the values sampled.

The Language Detection module can detect all languages supported by the Dgraph. The module parses the contents of the specified text field and determines a set of scores for the text. The supported language with the highest score is reported as the language of the text.

If the input text of the specified field does not match a supported language, the module outputs "Unknown" as the language value. If the value of the specified field is NULL, or consists only of white spaces or non-alphabetic characters, the component also outputs "Unknown" as the language.

Configuration options

There are no configuration options for this module, both when it is run as part of a Data Processing sampling operation and when you run it from Transform in Studio.


If a valid language is detected, this module outputs a separate attribute with the ISO 639 language code, such as "en" for English, "fr" for French, and so on. There are two special cases when NULL is returned:
  • If the input is NULL, the output is NULL.
  • If there is a valid input text but the module cannot decide on a language, then the output is NULL.

The name of the output attribute is <attribute>_lang.