DP CLI cron job

You can specify that the BDD installer create a cron job to run the DP CLI.

By default, the BDD installer does not create a cron job for the DP CLI. To create the cron job, set the ENABLE_HIVE_TABLE_DETECTOR parameter to TRUE in the BDD installer's bdd.conf configuration file.

The following parameters in the bdd.conf configuration file control the creation of the cron job:
Configuration Parameter Description
ENABLE_HIVE_TABLE_DETECTOR When set to TRUE, creates a cron job, which automatically runs on the server defined by DETECTOR_SERVER. The default is FALSE.
DETECTOR_SERVER Specifies the server on which the DP CLI will run.
DETECTOR_HIVE_DATABASE The name of the Hive database that the DP CLI will run against.
DETECTOR_MAXIMUM_WAIT_TIME The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the Hive Table Detector waits between update jobs.
DETECTOR_SCHEDULE A Cron format schedule that specifies how often the DP CLI runs. The value must be enclosed in quotes. The default value is:
"0 0 * * *"
The default means the Hive Table Detector runs at midnight, every day of every month.
If the cron job is created, the default cron job definition settings (as set in the crontab file) are as follows:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/flock -x -w 120 /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD/dataprocessing/edp_cli/work/detector.lock
  -c "cd /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD/dataprocessing/edp_cli && ./data_processing_CLI -d default 
  -wl /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD/dataprocessing/edp_cli/config/cli_whitelist.txt
  -bl /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD/dataprocessing/edp_cli/config/cli_blacklist.txt -mwt 1800 >> 
  /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD/dataprocessing/edp_cli/work/detector.log 2>&1"

You can modify these settings (such as the time schedule). In addition, be sure to monitor the size of the detector.log file.