Transform Service log

The Transform Service processes transformations on data sets, and also provides previews of the effects of the transformations on the data sets.

The Transform Service logs are stored in the $BDD_HOME/logs/transformservice directory. When the Transform Service receives a request to preview a data set, it logs the schema of that data set, as shown in this abbreviated example:
16/06/29 14:51:29.775 - INFO  [GridPreviewRunner@37]:- Start processing preview request
for MdexCollectionIdentifier{databaseName=edp_cli_edp_4dd5ac28-2e85-4efc-a3c2-391b6a78f69c, 
16/06/29 14:51:29.778 - INFO  [GridPreviewRunner@38]:- class TransformConfig {
    schema: [class Column {
        name: production_country
        type: STRING
        isSingleAssign: true
        isRecordSearchable: false
        isValueSearchable: true
        language: en
    }, class Column {
        name: dealer_geocode
        type: GEOCODE
        isSingleAssign: true
        isRecordSearchable: false
        isValueSearchable: false
        language: en
    }, class Column {
        name: labor_description
        type: STRING
        isSingleAssign: true
        isRecordSearchable: false
        isValueSearchable: true
        language: en
    transformList: [class PutColumnTransform {
        class TransformInfo {
            transformType: null
        column: class Column {
            name: sentiments
            type: STRING
            isSingleAssign: true
            isRecordSearchable: null
            isValueSearchable: null
            language: null
        exceptionAction: class SetNullAction {
            class TransformExceptionAction {
                actionType: null
            actionType: null
        transformType: null
        script: getSentiment(complaint)
    resultRowCount: 50
    sort: null
    filter: null
    databaseName: edp_cli_edp_4dd5ac28-2e85-4efc-a3c2-391b6a78f69c
    collectionName: edp_cli_edp_4dd5ac28-2e85-4efc-a3c2-391b6a78f69c
    optimization: null

Note that the transformList section lists the contents of the transformation script (if one exists). In this example, the Transform getSentiment function is used on the complaint attribute.

Logging the configuration

When it receives its first preview or transformation request, the Transform Service logs the system, Spark, and Hadoop configurations that it is using. An abbreviated configuration entry is as follows:
Number of processors available: 2
Total available memory: 226 MB
Free memory: 170 MB
Maximum available memory: 3403 MB

16/06/29 14:51:37.807 - INFO  [LocalSparkClient@50]:- Spark configuration:
spark.externalBlockStore.folderName = spark-78c17408-b81f-4d0e-a4ac-f06174e67c42
spark.driver.cores = 4 = lzf
spark.lib = /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD- = transformservice
spark.executor.memory = 4g
spark.master = local[8] = = driver = local-1467226296747
spark.driver.port = 50018
spark.local.dir = /localdisk/Oracle/Middleware/BDD-
spark.fileserver.uri =
spark.ui.enabled = false
spark.driver.maxResultSize = 4g

16/06/29 14:51:37.966 - INFO  [LocalSparkClient@59]:- Hadoop configuration:
s3.replication = 3
mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.type = BLOCK
mapreduce.jobtracker.jobhistory.lru.cache.size = 5
hadoop.http.filter.initializers = org.apache.hadoop.http.lib.StaticUserWebFilter
yarn.resourcemanager.system-metrics-publisher.enabled = false
mapreduce.client.output.filter = FAILED

If you are reporting a Transform Service problem to Oracle Support, make sure you include the Transform Service log when you report the problem.