Reverse GeoTagger

The Reverse GeoTagger returns geographical information for a valid geocode latitude/longitude coordinates that resolve to a metropolitan area.

The purpose of the Reverse GeoTagger is, based on a given latitude and longitude value, to find the closest place (city, state, country, postcode, etc) with population greater than 5000 people. The location threshold for this module is 100 nautical miles. When the given location exceeds this radius and the population threshold, the result is NULL.

The syntax of the input is:
  • The first double is the latitude, within the range of -90 to 90 (inclusive).
  • The second double is the longitude, within the range of -180 to 180 (inclusive).
  • The separator is any of these characters: whitespace, colon, comma, pipe, or a combination of whitespaces and one the other separator characters.
For example, this input:
42.35843 -71.05977
returns geographical information for the city of Boston, Massachusetts.
However, this input:
39.30 89.30
returns NULL because the location is in the middle of the Gobi Desert in China.

GeoNames data

The information returned by this geocode tagger comes from the GeoNames geographical database, which is included as part of the Data Enrichment package in Big Data Discovery.

Configuration options

There are no configuration options for a Data Processing sampling operation.

In Studio, the Transform area includes functions that return only a specified piece of the geographical results, such as only a city or only the postcode.


The output of this module consists of these attribute names and values:
  • <attribute>_geo_city — corresponds to a city (such as "Boston").
  • <attribute>_geo_country — the country code (such as "US").
  • <attribute>_geo_postcode — corresponds to a postcode, such as a zip code in the US (such as "02117").
  • <attribute>_geo_region — corresponds to a geographical region, such as a state in the US (such as "Massachusetts").
  • <attribute>_geo_regionid — the ID of the region in the GeoNames database (such as "6254926" for Massachusetts).
  • <attribute>_geo_subregion — corresponds to a geographical sub-region, such as a county in the US (such as "Suffolk County").
  • <attribute>_geo_subregionid — the ID of the sub-region in the GeoNames database (such as "4952349" for Suffolk County in Massachusetts).