IP Address GeoTagger

The IP Address GeoTagger returns geographical information for a valid IP address.

The IP Address GeoTagger is similar to the Address GeoTagger, except that it uses IP addresses as its input text. This module is useful IP addresses are present in the source data and you want to generate geographical information based on them. For example, if your log files contain IP addresses as a result of people coming to your site, this module would be most useful for visualization where those Web visitors are coming from.

Note that when given a string that is not an IP address, the IP Address GeoTagger returns NULL.

GeoNames data

The information returned by this geocode tagger comes from the GeoNames geographical database, which is included as part of the Data Enrichment package in Big Data Discovery.

Configuration options

There are no configuration options for a Data Processing sampling operation.


The output of this module consists of the following attributes:
  • <attribute>_geo_geocode — the latitude and longitude values of the address (such as "40.71427 -74.00597 ").
  • <attribute>_geo_city — corresponds to a city (such as "New York City").
  • <attribute>_geo_region — corresponds to a region, such as a state in the US (such as "New York").
  • <attribute>_geo_regionid — the ID of the region in the GeoNames database (such as "5128638 " for New York).
  • <attribute>_geo_postcode — corresponds to a postcode, such as a zip code in the US (such as "02117").
  • <attribute>_geo_country — the country code (such as "US").


The following output might be returned for the IP address:
ext_geo_city              New York City
ext_geo_country           US
ext_geo_geocode           40.71427 -74.00597
ext_geo_postcode          10007
ext_geo_region            New York
ext_geo_regionid          5128638