DP CLI configuration

The DP CLI has a configuration file, edp.properties, that sets its default properties.

By default, the edp.properties file is located in the $BDD_HOME/dataprocessing/edp_cli/config directory.

Some of the default values for the properties are populated from the bdd.conf installation configuration file. After installation, you can change the CLI configuration parameters by opening the edp.properties file with a text editor.

Data Processing defaults

The properties that set the Data Processing defaults are:
Data Processing Property Description
maxRecordsForNewDataSet Specifies the maximum number of records in the sample size of a new data set (that is, the number of sampled records from the source Hive table). In effect, this sets the maximum number of records in a BDD data set. Note that this setting controls the sample size for all new data sets and it also controls the sample size resulting from transform operations (such as during a Refresh update on a data set that contains a transformation script).

The default is set by the MAX_RECORDS property in the bdd.conf file. The CLI --maxRecords flag can override this setting.

runEnrichment Specifies whether to run the Data Enrichment modules. The default is set by the ENABLE_ENRICHMENTS property in the bdd.conf file.

You can override this setting by using the CLI --runEnrichment flag. The CLI --excludePlugins flag can also be used to exclude some of the Data Enrichment modules.

defaultLanguage The language for all attributes in the created data set. The default is set by the LANGUAGE property in the bdd.conf file. For the supported language codes, see Supported languages.
edpDataDir Specifies the location of the HDFS directory where data ingest and transform operations are processed. The default location is the /user/bdd/edp/data directory.
datasetAccessType Sets the access type for the data set, which determines which Studio users can access the data set in the Studio UI. This property takes one of these case-insensitive values:
  • public means that all Studio users can access the data set. This is the default.
  • private means that only designated Studio users and groups can access the data set. The users and groups are specified in attributes set in the data set's entry in the DataSet Inventory.
notificationsServerUrl Specifies the URL of the Notification Service. This value is automatically set by the BDD installer and will have a value similar to this example:

Dgraph Gateway connectivity settings

These properties are used to control access to the Dgraph Gateway that is managing the Dgraph nodes:
Dgraph Gateway Property Description
endecaServerHost The name of the host on which the Dgraph Gateway is running. The default name is specified in the bdd.conf configuration file.
endecaServerPort The port on which Dgraph Gateway is listening. The default is 7003.
endecaServerContextRoot The context root of the Dgraph Gateway when running on Managed Servers within the WebLogic Server. The value should be set to: /endeca-server

Kerberos credentials

The DP CLI is enabled for Kerberos support at installation time, if the ENABLE_KERBEROS property in the bdd.conf file is set to TRUE. The bdd.conf file also has parameters for specifying the name of the Kerberos principal, as well as paths to the Kerberos keytab file and the Kerberos configuration file. The installation script populates the edp.properties file with the properties in the following table.

Kerberos Property Description
isKerberized Specifies whether Kerberos support should be enabled. The default value is set by the ENABLE_KERBEROS property in the bdd.conf file.
localKerberosPrincipal The name of the Kerberos principal. The default name is set by the KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL property in the bdd.conf file.
localKerberosKeytabPath Path to the Kerberos keytab file on the WebLogic Admin Server. The default path is set by the KERBEROS_KEYTAB_PATH property in the bdd.conf file.
clusterKerberosPrincipal The name of the Kerberos principal. The default name is set by the KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL property in the bdd.conf file.
clusterKerberosKeytabPath Path to the Kerberos keytab file on the WebLogic Admin Server. The default path is set by the KERBEROS_KEYTAB_PATH property in the bdd.conf file.
krb5ConfPath Path to the krb5.conf configuration file. This file contains configuration information needed by the Kerberos V5 library. This includes information describing the default Kerberos realm, and the location of the Kerberos key distribution centers for known realms.

The default path is set by the KRB5_CONF_PATH property in the bdd.conf file. However, you can specify a local, custom location for the krb5.conf file.

For further details on these parameters, see the Installation Guide

Hadoop connectivity settings

The parameters that define connections to Hadoop environment processes and resources are:
Hadoop Parameter Description
hiveServerHost Name of the host on which the Hive server is running. The default value is set at the BDD installation time.
hiveServerPort Port on which the Hive server is listening. The default value is set at the BDD installation time.
clusterOltHome Path to the OLT directory on the Spark worker node. The default location is the $BDD_HOME/common/edp/olt directory.
oltHome Both clusterOltHome and this parameter are required, and both must be set to the same value.
hadoopClusterType The installation type, according to the Hadoop distribution. The value is set by the INSTALL_TYPE property in the bdd.conf file.
hadoopTrustStore Path to the directory on the install machine where the certificates for HDFS, YARN, Hive, and the KMS are stored. Required for clusters with TLS/SSL enabled. The default path is set by the HADOOP_CERTIFICATES_PATH property in the bdd.conf file.

Spark environment settings

These parameters define settings for interactions with Spark workers:
Spark Properties Description
sparkMasterUrl Specifies the master URL of the Spark cluster. In Spark-on-YARN mode, the ResourceManager's address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration by simply specifying yarn-cluster for this parameter. The default value is set at the BDD installation time.
sparkDynamicAllocation Indicates if Data Processing will dynamically compute the executor resources or use static executor resource configuration:
  • If set to false, the values of the static resource parameters (sparkDriverMemory, sparkDriverCores, sparkExecutorMemory, sparkExecutorCores, and sparkExecutors) are required and are used.
  • If set to true, the values for the executor resources are dynamically computed. This means that the static resource parameters are not required and will be ignored even if specified.

The default is set by the SPARK_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION property in the bdd.conf file.

sparkDriverMemory Amount of memory to use for each Spark driver process, in the same format as JVM memory strings (such as 512m, 2g, 10g, and so on). The default is set by the SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY property in the bdd.conf file.
sparkDriverCores Maximum number of CPU cores to use by the Spark driver. The default is set by the SPARK_DRIVER_CORES property in the bdd.conf file.
sparkExecutorMemory Amount of memory to use for each Spark executor process, in the same format as JVM memory strings (such as 512m, 2g, 10g, and so on). The default is set by the SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY property in the bdd.conf file.

This setting must be less than or equal to Spark's Total Java Heap Sizes of Worker's Executors in Bytes (executor_total_max_heapsize) property in Cloudera Manager. You can access this property in Cloudera Manager by selecting Clusters > Spark (Standalone), then clicking the Configuration tab. This property is in the Worker Default Group category (using the classic view).

sparkExecutorCores Maximum number of CPU cores to use for each Spark executor. The default is set by the SPARK_EXECUTOR_CORES property in the bdd.conf file.
sparkExecutors Total number of Spark executors to launch. The default is set by the SPARK_EXECUTORS property in the bdd.conf file.
yarnQueue The YARN queue to which the Data Processing job is submitted. The default value is set by the YARN_QUEUE property in the bdd.conf file.
maxSplitSizeMB The maximum partition size for Spark inputs, in MB. This controls the size of the blocks of data handled by Data Processing jobs. This property overrides the HDFS block size used in Hadoop.

Partition size directly affects Data Processing performance — when partitions are smaller, more jobs run in parallel and cluster resources are used more efficiently. This improves both speed and stability.

The default is set by the MAX_INPUT_SPLIT_SIZE property in the bdd.conf file (which is 32, unless changed by the user). The 32MB is amount should be sufficient for most clusters, with a few exceptions:
  • If your Hadoop cluster has a very large processing capacity and most of your data sets are small (around 1GB), you can decrease this value.
  • In rare cases, when data enrichments are enabled the enriched data set in a partition can become too large for its YARN container to handle. If this occurs, you can decrease this value to reduce the amount of memory each partition requires.

If this property is empty, the DP CLI logs an error at start-up and uses a default value of 32MB.

Jar location settings

These properties specify the paths for jars used by workflows:
Jar Property Description
sparkYarnJar Path to JAR files used by Spark-on-YARN. The default path is set by the SPARK_ON_YARN_JAR property in the bdd.conf file. However, additional JARs (such as edpLogging.jar) are appended to the path by the installer.
bddHadoopFatJar Path to the location of the Hadoop Shared Library (file name of bddHadoopFatJar.jar) on the cluster. The path is set by the installer. and is typically the $BDD_HOME/common/hadoop/lib directory.

Note that the data_processing_CLI script has a BDD_HADOOP_FATJAR property that specifies the location of the Hadoop Shared Library on the local file system of the DP CLI client.

edpJarDir Path to the directory where the Data Processing JAR files for Spark workers are located on the cluster. The default location is the $BDD_HOME/common/edp/lib directory.
extraJars Path to any extra JAR files to be used by customers, such as the path to a custom SerDe JAR. The default path is set by the DP_ADDITIONAL_JARS property in the bdd.conf file.

Kryo serialization settings

These properties define the use of Kryo serialization:
Kryo Property Description
kryoMode Specifies whether to enable (true) or disable (false) Kryo for serialization. Make sure that this property is set to false because Kryo serialization is not supported in BDD.
kryoBufferMemSizeMB Maximum object size (in MBs) to allow within Kryo. This property, like the kryoMode property, is not supported by BDD workflows.

JAVA_HOME setting

In addition to setting the CLI configuration properties, make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the directory containing the specific version of Java that will be called when you run the Data Processing CLI.