REST Web Services

Overview of In-Memory Cost Management Cloud Service REST Web Services

Representational State Transfer, or REST web services, provide interoperability between computer systems and the web. REST web services enable requesting systems to access and manipulate resources. There are five sets of REST web services used in In-Memory Cost Management Cloud Service including:

The following table shows the web services included in each set and their available actions:

Set of Web Services Web Service Name Action Grants
Simulations Simulations Describe
GPA Plan Interface GPAPlanInterface Describe
GPA Plan Interface GPAPlanInterfaceErrors Describe
Planned Costs PlannedCosts Describe
Supply/Demand Interface SupplyDemandInterface Describe
Supply/Demand Interface SupplyDemandInterfaceErrors Describe
Supply/Demand Interface SupplyDemand Describe
Price List Interface PriceListInterface Describe
Price List Interface PriceListInterfaceErrors Describe
Price List Interface PriceList Describe


The Simulations web service set provides you with view-only (through http GET) simulation data. The simulation data includes all the data generated or related to one or more simulations. In particular, the response from this web service retrieves data in the following tables and organizes it in the hierarchy shown here:

the picture is described in the document text

GPA Plan Interface

The GPA Plan Interface, set provides you with a tool to populate (http POST), modify (http PUT or PATCH), delete (http DELETE), and query (http GET) data in the cmi_planned_interface interface table used in the profitability analysis module. You can also query the cmi_planned_iface_errors table to help find and correct any issues in the data loaded into the interface table.

Planned Costs

The Planned Costs web service provides you with view only plan cost data. The plan cost data includes all the data generated and related to one or more cost plans. In particular, the response from this web service retrieves data in the following tables and organizes it in the hierarchy shown here:

the picture is described in the document text

Supply/Demand Interface

The Supply/Demand Interface web services provides you with a tool to populate, modify, delete, and query data in the supply/demand interface table used in the cost planning module. You can also query the interface errors table to help find and correct any issues in the data loaded into the interface table. After importing the data in the supply/demand interface, you can use the third web service Supply/Demand in this set, to query the data imported.

Price List Interface

The Price List Interface web services provides you with a tool to populate, modify, delete, and query data in the price list interface table used in the cost planning module. You can also query the interface errors table to help find and correct any issues in the data loaded into the interface table. After importing the data in the price list interface, you can use the third web service PriceList in this set, to query the data imported.

Related Topics

Consuming the REST Web Services

Consuming the REST Web Services

There are many ways to consume these web services. For example, you can install a REST client extension in the web browser (such as “postman web client” in the Chrome browser, and so forth). You can create and send the http requests in the REST client to consume the listed web services:

The following are the web service URLs which perform these functions:

The POST, PUT, PATCH requests must use content-type:


The request body should be in the following format:

the picture is described in the document text

For example:

the picture is described in the document text