Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use JMSException
weblogic.jms.common Provides exceptions for weblogic.jms.common
weblogic.jms.extensions WebLogic Server extensions to JMS. 

Uses of JMSException in weblogic.jms.common

Subclasses of JMSException in weblogic.jms.common
 class ConfigurationException
          This exception is thrown when a multicast consumer detects a sequence gap in the data stream.

Uses of JMSException in weblogic.jms.extensions

Subclasses of JMSException in weblogic.jms.extensions
 class ClientSAFDuplicateException
          This exception is delivered to a ClientSAF instance whenever a duplicate running ClientSAF instance is found bound to a given data file directory.
 class ConsumerClosedException
          ConsumerClosedException is delivered to the ExceptionListener for a session (if set), when one of session's consumer is closed by the server as a result of a server failure or administrative intervention.
 class DataOverrunException
          DataOverrunException is thrown by a multicast session when the number of messages received by the session, but not yet delivered to the messageListener, exceeds the maximum number of messages allowed for the session.
 class JMSOrderException
          A JMSOrderException is thrown when the operation cannot meet the requested ordering quality.
 class SequenceGapException
          This exception is thrown when a multicast consumer detects a sequence gap in the data stream.

Methods in weblogic.jms.extensions that throw JMSException
static JMSConnectionRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSConnectionRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, Connection connection)
          Retrieve the JMS connection runtime MBean for the associated JMS connection.
static JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSDestinationRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, String jmsServerName, String destinationName)
          Retrieve the JMS destination runtime MBean for the specified JMS destination name on the specified JMS server.
static JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSDestinationRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, Destination destination)
          Retrieve the JMS destination runtime MBean for the associated JMS destination.
static JMSConsumerRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSMessageConsumerRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, MessageConsumer messageConsumer)
          Retrieve the JMS consumer runtime MBean for the associated JMS message consumer.
static JMSProducerRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSMessageProducerRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, MessageProducer messageProducer)
          Retrieve the JMS producer runtime MBean for the associated JMS message producer.
static JMSServerRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSServerRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, Destination destination)
          Retrieve the JMS server runtime MBean hosting the associated JMS destination.
static JMSServerRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSServerRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, String mbeanName)
          Retrieve the JMS server runtime MBean for the specified JMS server name.
static JMSSessionRuntimeMBean JMSRuntimeHelper.getJMSSessionRuntimeMBean(Context ctx, Session customerSession)
          Retrieve the JMS customerSession runtime MBean for the associated JMS customerSession.
 String JMSRuntimeHelper.newJMSMessageIDToOld(String messageId)
          Convert WebLogic JMS 6.0 JMSMessageID format to the pre-6.0 format.
 String JMSRuntimeHelper.oldJMSMessageIDToNew(String messageId, long timeStamp)
          Convert WebLogic JMS pre-6.0 JMSMessageID format into the 6.0 format.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02