Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02
Interface ConsoleRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface ConsoleRuntimeMBean
extends RuntimeMBean

Runtime services for the console.

Method Summary
 String getDefaultPageURL(String[] context, String perspective)
          Gets the URL for the default page of an object.
 String[] getDefaultPageURLs(String[][] contexts, String perspective)
          Gets the URLs for the default pages for a set of objects.
 String[] getDefaultPageURLs(String[][] contexts, String[] perspectives)
          Gets the URLs for the default pages for a set of objects.
 String getHomePageURL()
          Gets the URL for the console's home page
 String[] getObjectNameContext(String objectName)
          Gets a context for a WLS mbean.
 String getSpecificPageURL(String page, String[] context)
          Gets the URL for a specific console page.
 String[] getSpecificPageURLs(String[] pages, String[][] contexts)
          Gets the URLs for a set of specific console pages.
 String[] getSpecificPageURLs(String page, String[][] contexts)
          Gets the URLs for a set of specific console page.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Is the console enabled?
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


boolean isEnabled()
Is the console enabled?

true if the console is enabled in this domain


String getHomePageURL()
Gets the URL for the console's home page

the URL of the console's homepage


String getDefaultPageURL(String[] context,
                         String perspective)
Gets the URL for the default page of an object. You can optionally specify the kind of default page (e.g. configuration or monitoring). For example, use this method to get a WLS cluster's default page's URL. Use this method when possible since it isolates the caller from the specific console page labels. This method does not check whether the page exists. To find out, use the URL and see if it works.

context - Identifies the object the page should display or manage. Most pages display or manage WLS mbeans (such as a server or cluster). For them, call "getObjectNameContext", passing in the JMX object name, to get the context to pass to this method. See the console programmers' guide for more information on contexts.
perspective - Specifies which kind of default page to return (e.g. configuration or monitoring). Pass in null to get the default page for the object. See the console programmers' guide for more information on perspectives.
the URL of the corresponding console page
IllegalArgumentException - if context is null or empty
See Also:
All security roles can access this item.


String[] getDefaultPageURLs(String[][] contexts,
                            String perspective)
Gets the URLs for the default pages for a set of objects. This method works exactly like getDefaultPageURL, except that it lets you get the URLS for a set of pages in one JMX call (to increase network performance).

contexts - An array of contexts identifying the object each page should display or manage.
perspective - Specifies which kind of default page to return for all of the pages.
an array of URLs for the requested pages.
IllegalArgumentException - if contexts is null, or if there is a problem with the information for any of the pages (e.g. contexts[2] is null or an empty string). The returned array of URLs parallels the contexts array. For example, return[1] contains the result for contexts[1].
See Also:
ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getDefaultPageURL(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)
All security roles can access this item.


String[] getDefaultPageURLs(String[][] contexts,
                            String[] perspectives)
Gets the URLs for the default pages for a set of objects. This method works exactly like getDefaultPageURL, except that it lets you get the URLS for a set of pages in one JMX call (to increase network performance).

contexts - An array of contexts identifying the object each page should display or manage.
perspectives - An array of perspectives identifying which kind of default page to return for each object.
an array of URLs for the requested pages.
IllegalArgumentException - if contexts or perspectives is null, contexts and perspectives don't have the same length, or if there is a problem with the information for any of the pages (e.g. contexts[2] is null or an empty string). The contexts and perspecitives arrays are parallel arrays specifying each desired page. They must be the same length. For example, contexts[1] and perspectives[1] are used to indicate the information needed to compute the URL for the second page. Similarly, the returned array of URLs parallels the contexts and perspectives arrays. For example, return[1] contains the result for contexts[1]/perspectives[1].
See Also:
ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getDefaultPageURL(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)
All security roles can access this item.


String getSpecificPageURL(String page,
                          String[] context)
Gets the URL for a specific console page. For example, use this method to get a WLS server's SSL configuration page's URL or the servers table page's URL. Note: WLS reserves the right to change its portal page names in future releases. Therefore, customers are advised to use "getDefaultPageURL" if possible so that they'll be isolated from these kinds of changes. This method does not check whether the page exists. To find out, use the URL and see if it works.

page - The portal page label of the desired console page.
context - Identifies the object the page should display or manage. Most pages display or manage WLS mbeans (such as a server or cluster). For them, call "getObjectNameContext", passing in the JMX object name, to get the context to pass to this method. See the console programmers' guide for more information on contexts.
the URL of the corresponding console page
IllegalArgumentException - if page is null or empty
See Also:
ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getDefaultPageURL(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)
All security roles can access this item.


String[] getSpecificPageURLs(String page,
                             String[][] contexts)
Gets the URLs for a set of specific console page. This method works exactly like getSpecificPageURL, except that it lets you get the URLS for a set of pages in one JMX call (to increase network performance).

page - The portal page label of the desired console pages.
contexts - An array of contexts identifying the object each page should display or manage.
an array of URLs for the requested pages.
IllegalArgumentException - if page is null or empty, if contexts is null, or if there is a problem with the information for any of the pages (e.g. pages[2] is null or an empty string). The returned array of URLs parallels the contexts array. For example, return[1] contains the result for pages[1]/contexts[1].
See Also:
ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getSpecificPageURL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
All security roles can access this item.


String[] getSpecificPageURLs(String[] pages,
                             String[][] contexts)
Gets the URLs for a set of specific console pages. This method works exactly like getSpecificPageURL, except that it lets you get the URLS for a set of pages in one JMX call (to increase network performance).

pages - An array of portal page labels of the desired console pages.
contexts - An array of contexts identifying the object each page should display or manage.
an array of URLs for the requested pages.
IllegalArgumentException - if pages or contexts is null, pages and contexts don't have the same length, or if there is a problem with the information for any of the pages (e.g. pages[2] is null or an empty string). The pages and contexts arrays are parallel arrays specifying each desired page. They must be the same length. For example, pages[1] and contexts[1] are used to indicate the information needed to compute the URL for the second page. Similarly, the returned array of URLs parallels the pages and contexts and pages arrays. For example, return[1] contains the result for pages[1]/contexts[1].
See Also:
ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getSpecificPageURL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
All security roles can access this item.


String[] getObjectNameContext(String objectName)
Gets a context for a WLS mbean. This method does not check whether the mbean exists. The results of this method are usually passed into getDefaultPageURL or getSpecificPageURL.

objectName - the JMX object name of a WLS mbean
a context for the WLS mbean
IllegalArgumentException - if objectName is null or empty
See Also:
ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getDefaultPageURL(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String), ConsoleRuntimeMBean.getSpecificPageURL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
All security roles can access this item.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02