Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02
Interface JaxRsApplicationRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, JaxRsMonitoringInfoRuntimeMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface JaxRsApplicationRuntimeMBean
extends JaxRsMonitoringInfoRuntimeMBean

This the runtime server MBean for a JAX-RS application. There can be more than one JAX-RS application per Web Application. The list of available JAX-RS applications can be got through the method public JaxRsApplicationMBean[] getJaxRsApplications() at The lookup method to find a specific JAX-RS application with given name is public JaxRsApplicationMBean lookupJaxRsApplication(String name)

Access limited to the following security roles:

Method Summary
 long getErrorCount()
          Provides the errors count, the number of un-handled exceptions from the JAX-RS application
 HashMap getHttpMethodCounts()
          Provides map with all method names(String) as keys and their count(long) as values
 String[] getLastErrorDetails()
          Provides details of the last error.
 String getLastErrorMapper()
          Provides the exception mapper class used against the last error(if any) occurred.
 long getLastErrorTime()
          Provides the date-time at which the last error(if any) occurred
 String getLastHttpMethod()
          Provides the http method name of the last request
 int getLastResponseCode()
          Provides the response code of the last response.
 JaxRsResourceConfigTypeRuntimeMBean getResourceConfig()
          Provides the resource config MBean of the JAX-RS application.
 String getResourcePattern()
          Gets the WSM resource pattern for this JAX-RS application
 HashMap getResponseCodeCounts()
          Provides map with all response codes(int) as keys and their count(long) as values
 JaxRsResourceRuntimeMBean[] getRootResources()
          Provides the array of root resources MBean
 ServletRuntimeMBean getServlet()
          Provides the MBean of the servlet that handles the corresponding JAX-RS application.
 String getWadlUrl()
          Retrieve the WADL URL for this JAX-RS Application
 boolean isApplicationEnabled()
          Indicates whether this JAX-RS application is currently enabled
 boolean isWadlGenerationEnabled()
          Indicates whether this JAX-RS application currently has WADL generation enabled
 JaxRsResourceRuntimeMBean lookupRootResource(String name)
          Provides the root resource MBean identified by the name
 void setApplicationEnabled(boolean applicationEnabled)
          Enable/Disable this JAX-RS application - if disabled, requests to the application will return 503 - Service Unavailable
 void setWadlGenerationEnabled(boolean wadlGenEnabled)
          Enable/Disable WADL generation for this JAX-RS application
Methods inherited from interface
getExecutionTimeAverage, getExecutionTimeHigh, getExecutionTimeLow, getExecutionTimeTotal, getInvocationCount, getLastInvocationTime, getStartTime
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


ServletRuntimeMBean getServlet()

Provides the MBean of the servlet that handles the corresponding JAX-RS application.

Users can get the servlet related metrics from the returned ServletRuntimeMBean

The corresponding servlet MBean.


JaxRsResourceConfigTypeRuntimeMBean getResourceConfig()

Provides the resource config MBean of the JAX-RS application.

Every JAX-RS application is configured through a resource config. There are several types of resource configs available in Jersey. This method gets the details of the corresponding resource config created by Jersey for this JAX-RS application.

The resource config MBean of the JAX-RS application.


JaxRsResourceRuntimeMBean[] getRootResources()

Provides the array of root resources MBean

Every JAX-RS application contains 1 or more root resources.

The array of resources available in the JAX-RS application


JaxRsResourceRuntimeMBean lookupRootResource(String name)

Provides the root resource MBean identified by the name

name - The name of the resource MBean
The resource bean identified by the given name.


long getErrorCount()

Provides the errors count, the number of un-handled exceptions from the JAX-RS application

The number of un-handled exceptions from a JAX-RS application


String[] getLastErrorDetails()

Provides details of the last error. It returns null if ther is not exception yet

The details about the last error. Returns null if there is no excepton yet.


String getLastErrorMapper()

Provides the exception mapper class used against the last error(if any) occurred. It returns null if no error has been mapped yet.

the class of the exception mapper for the raised exception. Returns null if there is no exception.


long getLastErrorTime()

Provides the date-time at which the last error(if any) occurred

The date-time at which the last error occurred. If it is 0, then it means no error has occurred.


String getLastHttpMethod()

Provides the http method name of the last request

the last http method of the request return null if there is not any request yet.


int getLastResponseCode()

Provides the response code of the last response. Returns -1 if there is no response yet.

The last response code. returns -1 if there is no response yet.


HashMap getResponseCodeCounts()

Provides map with all response codes(int) as keys and their count(long) as values

The response codes and their counts. Key - integer the http response code Value - long the number of times the key is returned


HashMap getHttpMethodCounts()

Provides map with all method names(String) as keys and their count(long) as values

The request methods and their counts Key - String representing the http method of the request Value - long the number of times such requests processed


String getResourcePattern()

Gets the WSM resource pattern for this JAX-RS application

resource pattern as a String, if available, null otherwise


boolean isApplicationEnabled()

Indicates whether this JAX-RS application is currently enabled


void setApplicationEnabled(boolean applicationEnabled)

Enable/Disable this JAX-RS application - if disabled, requests to the application will return 503 - Service Unavailable


boolean isWadlGenerationEnabled()

Indicates whether this JAX-RS application currently has WADL generation enabled


void setWadlGenerationEnabled(boolean wadlGenEnabled)

Enable/Disable WADL generation for this JAX-RS application


String getWadlUrl()

Retrieve the WADL URL for this JAX-RS Application

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02