Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebSocketConnection
weblogic.websocket Provides the interfaces and classes necessary to manage a WebLogic WebSocket. 

Uses of WebSocketConnection in weblogic.websocket

Methods in weblogic.websocket that return types with arguments of type WebSocketConnection
 Set<WebSocketConnection> WebSocketContext.getWebSocketConnections()
          Deprecated. Returns set of opened WebSocket connections.

Methods in weblogic.websocket with parameters of type WebSocketConnection
 void WebSocketAdapter.onClose(WebSocketConnection connection, ClosingMessage msg)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onClose(WebSocketConnection connection, ClosingMessage message)
          Deprecated. This method is called when the WebSocket is closed by the WebSocket client.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onError(WebSocketConnection connection, Throwable error)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onError(WebSocketConnection connection, Throwable error)
          Deprecated. This method is called if the container encounters difficulty.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onFragment(WebSocketConnection connection, boolean last, String payload)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onFragment(WebSocketConnection connection, boolean last, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onFragment(WebSocketConnection connection, boolean last, String payload)
          Deprecated. This method is called when a CONTINUATION data frame containing text payload is received.
 void WebSocketListener.onFragment(WebSocketConnection connection, boolean last, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. This method is called when a CONTINUATION data frame containing binary payload is received.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onMessage(WebSocketConnection connection, String payload)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onMessage(WebSocketConnection connection, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onMessage(WebSocketConnection connection, String payload)
          Deprecated. This method is called when a TEXT data frame is received.
 void WebSocketListener.onMessage(WebSocketConnection connection, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. This method is called when a BINARY data frame is received.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onOpen(WebSocketConnection connection)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onOpen(WebSocketConnection connection)
          Deprecated. This method is called after the WebSocket opening handshake succeeds and the connection is established.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onPing(WebSocketConnection connection, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onPing(WebSocketConnection connection, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. This method is called when a PING control frame is received.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onPong(WebSocketConnection connection, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onPong(WebSocketConnection connection, byte[] payload)
          Deprecated. This method is called when a PONG control frame is received.
 void WebSocketAdapter.onTimeout(WebSocketConnection connection)
          Deprecated. Empty implementation for this callback method.
 void WebSocketListener.onTimeout(WebSocketConnection connection)
          Deprecated. This method is called when the WebSocket does not receive any message for the specified timeout period.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02