Testing visitor tracking scripts

You can test visitor tracking scripts to ensure that Oracle Eloqua is tracking visits to your tracked pages. The testing utility scans the specified webpage for the following:

  • Whether the URL provided is a valid webpage
  • Whether Oracle Eloqua can find references to one of the following tracking scripts in the HTML code:
    • elqcfg.js and elqimg.js
    • elqcfg.min.js

    Note: Oracle Eloqua is not searching for a JavaScript file, but is searching for the above text that is typically located within the <head> tags.

  • Whether the cookie is a first-party cookie or third-party cookie
  • Validates the tracking script for proper syntax

Note: If one of the tests fails, Oracle Eloqua will not perform the remaining tests.

Before you begin:

  • Gather the URLs you wish to test. You will need the fully qualified URL, including https:// and www.
  • The domains of the URL will need to be added to the domain allowlist.
  • Remove any query strings from the URL.

To test visitor tracking scripts:

  1. Navigate to Assets An image of the Assets icon, which is represented by a black pencil. > Website Setup, then click Tracking.
  2. Expand Visitor Tracking, then click Test Visitor Tracking Scripts.

    An image demonstrating how to navigate to Test Visitor Tracking Scripts.

  3. Enter the URL you wish to track in the blank field, then click Start Test.

    Note: The URL needs to be in the domain allowlist, otherwise Oracle Eloqua returns an error.

Oracle Eloqua then performs the tests and returns the test results.


There are a few reasons why Oracle Eloqua might return errors when testing tracking scripts:

  • If the Domain in Allowlist returns an error, you must add the domain to the domain allowlist.
  • If the Web page present returns an error, ensure you included all aspects of the URL, and removed any query strings.
  • If Script Tags Present returns an error, it is possible that the tracking script setup is the issue. If the script was set up using a third-party program, the test may not be able to find the tracking scripts. See this Knowledge Base article for more information.
  • If there is an error in Tracking Visits:
    • Ensure the site ID for the page you are testing is only comprised of numbers. Non-numeric characters in the site ID will cause an error for Tracking Visits.
    • Ensure the URL you inputted does not contain query strings.

      An image demonstrating the tracking visits failure due to a query string.

    • If the asynchronous tracking script was customized, it is possible Oracle Eloqua can no longer validate that links are being tracked. At this point the Script Tags Present test will be a success, but Tracking Visits will return an error.

Learn more

Oracle Eloqua asynchronous tracking scripts

Allowing domains

Creating field merges with query strings

Knowledge Base: Script Tags not Present

Knowledge Base: How to Locate the Eloqua Site ID