Sending an email notification when a form is submitted

You can send a notification email to someone in your organization when a contact submits a form. You can use this type of form processing step so that you can quickly take action after a contact submits a form. For example, after submitting a high priority form, you can send a notification email to sales for follow-up. You could also set up conditions so that the notification only goes out based on certain titles, industries, or other criteria that you use to determine a high priority follow-up.

Note: Only use this form processing step to internally notify resources of a form submission. If you need to send the submitter an email, see Sending an autoresponder email.

When configuring this type of form processing step, you need to specify the following information:

  • The email recipients
  • The email's subject line
  • The notification email to send

You can manually add the recipients and subject line or you can use one of the following options:

  • Use a picklist: Use this option if the form contains information that you can use to determine the email recipient or subject line. See Using picklists with form processing steps for more information.
  • Use a form field: Use this option if your form contains the recipients email address or the subject line you want to use.

Before you begin:

  • Create the form notification configuration. This configuration allows you to customize the notification email that you want to send.
  • If this form is used frequently, consider using conditions to determine when to send the notification email. Otherwise, you risk flooding inboxes with every form submission.

To send a notification email:

  1. Open a form or create a new one.
  2. Click Processing.
  3. Click The Add icon in the left pane.
  4. Double-click The Email icon Send Notification Email.
  5. Choose the email recipient:
    To manually add the email address
    1. Click Always send to the same email address.
    2. Type the email address. Separate multiple email address using a semi-colon (;) or comma (,).
    To use a form field
    1. Click Use a value of the form field to select the email address.
    2. Click the form field in the Choose a field drop-down list.
    To use a picklist You can use a picklist to determine who should receive the notification email. For example, you could use a country selection on the form to determine the sales team that should receive the email.
    1. Click Use a picklist to select the email address.
    2. Click the form field you want to use with the picklist in the Choose a field drop-down list. This form field contains the values that can be used with the email recipient picklist. In the example above, this would be the country picklist.
    3. Click the picklist in the Choose a picklist drop-down list. To create a new picklist, click An image of the File Chooser icon. and then click An image of the Add button.. In the example above, this picklist would map the country's actual value to the email recipient's email address.
  6. Choose the subject line of the notification email:
    To manually add the subject line
    1. Click Always use the same subject.
    2. Type the subject line.
    To use a form field
    1. Click Use a value of the form field to select the email.
    2. Click the form field in the Choose a field drop-down list.
    To use a picklistYou can use a picklist to determine the subject line of the notification email. For example, in a customer satisfaction survey, you could use the satisfaction rating to determine the subject line of a notification email to your support team.
    1. Click Use a picklist to select the subject.
    2. Click the form field you want to use with the picklist in the Choose a field drop-down list. This form field contains the values that map to an appropriate subject line in the picklist. In the example above, this would be the customer satisfaction rating.
    3. Click the picklist from the Choose a picklist drop-down list. To create a new picklist, click An image of the File Chooser icon. and then click An image of the Add button.. In the example above, this picklist would map the customer satisfaction rating to the subject line.
  7. Click the notification email in the Notification Configuration drop-down list.

    Tip: For more information configuring the notification email, see Creating a form notification configuration.

  8. To change the encoding of the email, click Advanced Settings. The encoding can be for a specific language (to make sure that the character set is available) or Unicode (UTF-8).
  9. Specify when to process this step.
  10. Click Save.

Learn more

Sending an autoresponder email

Processing form data