Configuring campaign revenue settings for closed-loop reporting

As part of closed-loop reporting with Salesforce, you must decide how to attribute revenue to Oracle Eloqua campaigns. The revenue attribution helps identify the marketing campaigns that help create opportunities and close a deal.

To configure campaign measurement:

  1. Creating the Salesforce opportunity stages
  2. Configuring the default revenue attribution method

Note: Revenue attribution is for reporting purposes. This configuration does not impact how campaign and opportunity data is synchronized with Salesforce.

Creating the Salesforce opportunity stages

As part of closed-loop reporting with Salesforce documented in this configuration guide, any opportunity created in Salesforce is included in Oracle Eloqua. Opportunity data includes:

  • The opportunity itself (the deal in progress)
  • The attributed campaign (whether this is the first campaign they responded to, the last campaign, or a custom value)
  • The opportunity’s associated contact and that contact’s activity

Important: To capture opportunity data from Salesforce, you need to create the Salesforce opportunity stages in Oracle Eloqua exactly as they appear in Salesforce. If the opportunity states set up in Oracle Eloqua do not match, the opportunity will not be imported from Salesforce.

Before you begin:

  • Create the Salesforce opportunity stages in Oracle Eloqua exactly as they appear in Salesforce. Opportunity stages are defined by your CRM administrator. They might include stages such as prospecting, developing, negotiation, closed (won), and closed (lost).
  • The stages you create in Oracle Eloqua are active by default. You can deactivate them whenever necessary, but you cannot reactivate those you deactivate.
  • You cannot change an opportunity stage in Oracle Eloqua after you save it.

To create the Salesforce opportunity stages:

  1. Navigate to Orchestration An image of the Orchestration icon., then click Campaigns.
  2. Click Actions An image of the Actions button, then click Opportunity Settings.
  3. Click Add New Opportunity Stage in the Opportunity Stage Details area.
  4. Enter the Opportunity Stage Name exactly as it appears in Salesforce.
  5. Specify the Probability of Closing percentage. For example, for Closed Lost, this would be 0%.
  6. If you want closed or lost opportunities to be flagged and excluded from the ROI calculations, select Indicate Closed/Lost.

    Note: This is the only setting you can change after you save the opportunity.

  7. Click Save and New to set up additional stages.
  8. Click Save and Close after you have created all of the required stages. The opportunities are displayed in the Opportunity Stage Details table.

After you finish:

  • If you want to change the closed or lost flag, click An image of the drop-down button. next to the stage you want to change , then click Edit. Update the Indicate Closed/Lost setting.
  • If you want to deactivate a stage, click An image of the drop-down button. next to the stage you want to change and click Inactivate Stage.Warning: You cannot reactivate a stage after you deactivate it. This hides the stage but keeps a record for reporting purposes.
  • Use An image of the rank order icon in the first column of the table to change the order of the opportunity stages. If you created the opportunity stages out of order, you can place them in order to match the sales cycle.

Configuring the default revenue attribution method

After creating the opportunity sages in Oracle Eloqua, you must configure the default revenue attribution method. The revenue attribution method lets you identify the campaign responses to include in revenue attribution calculations and how to distribute attributed revenue across campaigns.

To configure the default revenue attribution method for closed-loop reporting:

  1. Navigate to Orchestration An image of the Orchestration icon., then click Campaigns.
  2. Click Actions An image of the Actions button, then click Opportunity Settings.
  3. Click Edit in the Default Revenue Attribution Method area of the Opportunity Settings page.
  4. Under Which Campaign responses do you want to include in the revenue attribution?, select an option to indicate which campaign responses you want to include in the revenue attribution. You can choose to include:
    • ALL Campaign responses from Lead Creation in Oracle Eloqua to Opportunity Close in the CRM. If this setting is selected, attribution will only include opportunities with a Closed Won status.
    • Campaign responses from Lead Creation in Oracle Eloqua to ONLY Opportunity Creation in the CRM. If this setting is selected, attribution will only include Open and Closed Won status opportunities.
  5. Under How do you want to distribute the revenue across the Campaigns?, select an option to indicate how you want to distribute the revenue across campaigns. You can attribute the revenue in the following ways:
    • Evenly across all campaigns
    • To the first or last campaign responded to
    • By specific percentages to the first, last, and other campaigns
  6. Save your changes.

After you finish: Continue to Configuring auto synchs for closed-loop reporting.

Learn more

Closed-loop reporting with Salesforce

Integrating Oracle Eloqua with Salesforce