Campaign response setup for marketers

This topic instructs marketers on how to leverage the campaign response functionality within their Eloqua instance. This process involves four steps:

  1. Install an app developed for sending campaign responses to a CRM.
  2. Drag the app service instance into a campaign or program canvas designed for campaign responses.
  3. Configure your campaign responses within Eloqua to use the app, service, and campaign or program you have orchestrated.
  4. Activate the campaign or program.

Important: Avoid uploading contact activities that are older than 30 days. These contact activities will not be sent to apps.

Step 1 - Installing the app

Contact the App Provider for the app install URL. The App Provider should be able to guide you through the installation.

Step 2 - Orchestrate a campaign or program using the app

Create a campaign or program to be used for sending campaign responses to your CRM. Here's an example of a sample contact program, where our service is called Oracle Sales Cloud Campaign Response Integration.

An image of the Campaign canvas with the Oracle Sales Cloud Campaign Response Integration app

Keep the campaign or program in the draft stage for now, we will activate it during step 4. If you need help creating a campaign or program, see the Oracle Eloqua Help Center.

Note: This is an example of a standalone campaign response Program. This step is also commonly added to the larger CRM integration Program. Regardless of where the step is placed, a Campaign Responses Listener is typically added to feed in contacts that have new campaign responses as they occur.

Step 3 - Configuring campaign responses

  1. Navigate to Settings > Response Rules.
  2. Select Use Program and Campaign Canvas for Campaign Associations.
  3. Click the drop downs to select the App, Service, and Instance you will use to consume campaign responses.

    An image of the Eloqua Response Rules page

    • App: Select the app you want to use to send campaign responses to your CRM.
    • Service: Select the service you want to use to send campaign responses to your CRM.
    • Instance: Select the campaign or program instance where your app service instance is being used to send campaign responses to your CRM. You created this in step 2.
  4. Click Save.

Note: To change the instance to consume campaign responses, the canvas the current selection is located must be deactivated.

Step 4 - Activate the campaign or program

Navigate back to your campaign or program, and click Activate. You'll then start receiving campaign responses.

Learn more

Developing for campaign responses

Using the campaign response endpoints