Using the campaign response endpoints

The campaign response endpoints enable App Developers to send campaign responses from Eloqua to a CRM, using an Action Service on a Program or Campaign Canvas.

Feature highlights

  • Enables sending campaign responses to any CRM using an App Action Service on a Program or Campaign Canvas. Previously, campaign responses could only be sent using Integration Rules or Program Builder to a native CRM integration.
  • Limits use to one app service instance to ensure all campaign responses are successfully sent to the designated CRM.

Use cases

The usage of the campaign response endpoints are tied to a single instance of an app service. During the setup, users must select the app, the service, and the exact app service instance that can export and import campaign responses. This is done to prevent other users from interacting with campaign responses, except for the app service instance selected.


The process of leveraging the campaign response endpoints is as follows:

Task Responsible Role
Develop an Action service specifically for campaign responses App Developers
Share the install URL with users App Developers
Install the app and service Marketers
Drag the service into a Program or Campaign Canvas Marketers
Configure response rules Marketers
Activate the campaign or program to start receiving notifications Marketers

See the following topics to get started.


Developing for campaign responses

Campaign response setup for marketers

API Reference

Campaign Responses API