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Creating a Campaign

You can create a campaign to deliver your audience out of the Oracle Data Cloud platform. A campaign delivers an audience to media execution platforms for targeting, optimization, and analytics. You can also use a campaign to deliver an audience directly to your site or to your system.

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Entering basic campaign information

When you create a new campaign, you have to specify some basic information, such as the name and validity dates. You can change all of this information later by editing the campaign.

To enter basic campaign information:

  1. Log in to and select Manage > Campaigns. The Campaigns page is displayed.
    Image of the Campaigns page

  2. Click Create. The Create Campaign page is displayed with the Basic Information section at the top..

    Image of the Campaigns page with the Campaign Details tab selected

  3. In the Basic Information section, enter the following details:
    • Campaign Name: Enter a descriptive name for the campaign.
    • Label: (Optional) Enter descriptive tags to help classify and filter your campaigns in the Campaigns page. Labels must have two or more characters.
    • Start Date: The date when your campaign is to begin (the default is today's date)
    • End Date: The date when your campaign is to stop. By default, your campaign will end in one year.
    • Status: Select the campaign status:
      • Active: Select if you are starting your campaign on today's date, it will begin running in approximately 60 to 90 minutes after you click Save. For example, audience injection apps support immediate activation.
      • Idle: Select if you want to wait to activate your campaign. For example If you are using an app partner, you may need to wait until you get confirmation that your audience has been mapped in their platform before you can activate your campaign.

Selecting the audience

You select an audience to define which users are delivered by the campaign. You can select from all the audiences available in your partner seat, whether they are based on first-party data and or third-party data. The delivery method you select later interacts with your audience selection. If the delivery method you select does not support the ID sources in the audience, you see an error when you try to save the campaign.

Only one audience can be specified for each campaign, but each audience can include any number of categories. See Creating Audiences for more information.

To select an audience:

Selecting a delivery method

You can choose from three methods to deliver data:

You can include both apps and a pixel URL in the same campaign, but you can't use a JSON return tag in the same campaign as any other delivery method.

App delivery

You can deliver your audience to one or more channel partners by using apps that you have installed for them. In most cases, you can create a single data campaign to deliver your audience to multiple app partners. Exceptions include campaigns that include Google apps or apps that use different delivery methods, such as SDT or JSON return. For example, if you want to deliver an audience to AppNexus and DataXu, you can create a single campaign. However, if you want to deliver an audience to both Google and GDN and DataXu, you need to create separate campaigns.

In addition, some partners use different settings, which requires separate campaigns. For example, if you want to send an audience to both DataXu (which delivers via SDT) and Optimizely (which uses JSON return), you should create separate campaigns because they require different win frequency settings. You can also create a single campaign to deliver an audience to both app and pixels, but you cannot combine apps or pixels with a JSON return tag delivery.

If your partner does not have an app, you can create a paste-a-pixel campaign.

Campaign delivery estimation

Note: Campaign delivery estimation is currently in controlled availability.

For some apps, you see audience reach and delivery estimates as you create the campaign. The following delivery app partners support campaign delivery estimation:

These estimates are based on the interaction of the selected audience and the app.

Selecting the delivery app

To select a delivery app:

  1. In the Delivery Methods section of the Create Campaign page, click Select Apps.

    The Select Apps dialog appears, listing the installed apps for your partner seat. If you have many apps installed, you can click Filter and enter the name of the app to narrow the list. If an installed app does not support the delivery of ID sources included in the selected audience, the app does not appear in the list.

    Image of the Select Apps dialog

  2. Select one or app more from the list.
  3. Click Add Apps.

    If available, delivery estimates and other information are displayed below the Select Apps button.

    For each app, you see the name, icons that represent ID sources, audience reach, and estimated delivery range.

  4. (Optional) Click the triangle next to an app name to see audience and delivery information for each ID source supported by the app.

  5. (Optional) Clear the check boxes for any ID sources you do not want to send to this partner.

    For example, you could clear the Mobile check box to send only users linked to desktop cookie IDs. For an app that can deliver users for both apps and mobile web cookies, you could clear the Mobile Cookie ID check box to deliver only Apple IDFAs and Google AdIds.

  6. (Optional) Select a macro from the Add Macro list and enter an appropriate value. The macro is appended to the pixel URL created for the campaign. See Pixel URL Macros for more information.

  7. If a Custom Parameters section appears and one or more boxes do not contain values, enter the appropriate information.

    Important! Do not change any values that appear by default.

Pixel URL delivery

If you want to deliver data to a partner does not have an app, you can enter their pixel URL. Optionally, you can add any required pixel URL macros to the pixel from the Additional Macros list. You can deliver data to a pixel URL even if you have also specified apps in the campaign.

To specify pixel URL delivery:

  1. In the Delivery Methods section of the Create Campaign page, enter a URL into the Pixel URL field.

    The pixel URL appears below the field.

  2. (Optional) Select a macro from the Additional Macros list.

    Image of the Pixel URL section of the create campaign page

    The macro is appended to the pixel URL below the field.

  3. Replace any variables in the macros with the values you want to use.
  4. Click Verify and Add to validate the pixel URL and add it to the campaign.

JSON return delivery

You can deliver campaign data to your web page by using JSON return. To use this delivery method, create a JS container tag, and insert it before the closing </head> tag on your page. When this tag is fired, a JSON object (bk_results) is returned to the page. It includes each campaign that has won the user and the categories that qualified them for the campaign. You can use this data to customize the content on your page.

Note: If you select an app or enter a pixel, the JSON return option is not available.

To deliver data by JSON return:

Selecting advanced delivery settings

The Create Campaigns page includes advanced settings that you can optionally configure. By default, these five settings are optimized based on the selected delivery method, but you can change them.

There are five advanced settings:

To configure advance settings:

Saving the campaign

When you save a campaign, the Oracle Data Cloud platform verifies that it contains all of the necessary elements and that there are no conflicts in the configuration. For example, it verifies that the ID sources represented in the audience can be delivered by the selected delivery method. If conflicts are found, you see an error message and must correct them before saving.

You can save the campaign in either Idle or Active status. If you save it in Active status, it is ready to start delivering data within approximately 60 to 90 minutes. When a campaign is active, the estimated reach and estimated delivery information is not displayed because you can see actual numbers by running reports.


Installing an app

Creating an audience

Paste-a-pixel campaigns

Managing campaigns

Pixel URL macro reference