How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?

Note: If a Conversation is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the Conversation and any associated message dialogs.

To create a new message:

  1. Open a Conversation or wall.

  2. In the bottom bar, tap Compose icon.

    • To post a message, enter your message text.

    • To post a photo, video, voice message, or document, tap Camera button. For more information, see How do I add documents?

    • To post a link to another Oracle Social Network item, such as a Conversation or wall, tap Insert Reference button, then tap the item.

    Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

    Note: If you don't see Compose icon in the bottom bar of someone's wall, you aren't following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.

  3. Tap Post.

To reply to a message:

  1. Tap Reply button under the message you want to reply to.

  2. Enter your reply, then tap Post.

Note: If you don't see Reply button under a personal wall post shown on the Overview panel or on a person's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her wall posts.

To edit a message:

  1. Tap Additional actions button under the message you want to edit.

  2. Tap Edit Message.

  3. Make your changes, then tap Post.


  • You can edit only your own messages.

  • Any special formatting on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:

You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.

Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.

  1. Tap Additional actions button under the message you want to delete.
  2. Tap Delete.