How do I follow people or add contacts?

Following someone lets you track their wall activity and adds them to your list of contacts.

  • To follow someone and add them to your list of contacts, click Follow on the person's profile or on the Followers tab on the People page or on your profile.

    For more information, see How do I view a person's profile or interact with someone in Oracle Social Network? or Viewing Your Followers.

  • To stop following someone, click Unfollow on the person's profile or next to the person's name on the Following tab of the People page or on your profile.

    For more information, see Viewing the People You Follow.

    You'll be asked if you also want to remove the person from your contacts. Unfollowing someone means you won't see their wall activity. If you want to continue to post to their wall and see them in your list of contacts (making it easy to have one-on-one Conversations with them), don't remove them from your contacts.

Viewing Your Contacts

You can add users to your list of contacts to make them easier to find, and more importantly, easier to start a one-on-one Conversation with. You add contacts by following them (see How do I follow people or add contacts?

Your contacts are listed in the Contacts panel on the right and on the Contacts tab of the People page.

Viewing the People You Follow

There are several ways to see who you're following:

  • From the navigation menu on the left, select People, then click the Following tab.

  • Open your profile page, then click the Following tab.

    Note: The number on the Following tab shows how many people you follow.

Viewing Your Followers

There are several ways to see who's following you:

  • From the navigation menu on the left, select People, then click the Followers tab.

  • Open your profile page, then click the Followers tab.

    You can easily see which of your followers you follow, because the button on the right of someone you follow says Unfollow, whereas the button next to someone you don't follow, says Follow. Click the button to change whether you follow the person or not.

    Note: The number on the Followers tab shows how many people are following you.