Liking and Adding Favorites in the Add-In for Outlook

This section describes how to like items and add favorites in the add-in for Outlook:

What are Likes and Favorites?

Liking something communicates to others that you approve or support a posted item. Once you like something, a You like this link appears on the item. As likes accumulate, the link text changes to, for example, You and 1 person like this, You and 2 people like this, or 2 people like this, as the case might be. Click the link to open a dialog showing who has liked the item.

When you unlike something, the check mark that appears next to You like this is removed and the message's like count is reduced, or, if you were the only person to like the item, the like link is removed entirely.

Marking an item as a favorite makes it easy to locate—you can find it on the Favorites panel or filter many panels to show only favorites. The Overview, Collections, Conversations, Social Objects, and Documents panels all provide a Favorites filter, which you can use to filter out all items except those you have marked as a favorite. When you show groups on the People and Groups page, you can filter your list of groups by favorites, too.

How do I find out who likes an item?

Click the like link text below the message—for example, You and 1 person like this—to open the View Like dialog. The View Like dialog lists the people who like the message.

How do I like an item?

  1. Navigate to the item you want to like.
  2. Click the Like link at the bottom of the message or reply.

    A link appears on the item, for example, You and 1 person like this, which you can click to see who has liked the item.

How do I unlike an item?

The quick way to unlike an item is to click its Unlike link. Here is another way to unlike an item:

  1. Navigate to the item you want to unlike.
  2. Right-click the item, select Like <item_type>, then You like this.

How do I mark an item as a favorite?

Click the item's Mark as Favorite icon, or right-click the item, then select Mark as Favorite.

How do I unmark a favorite?

Click the item's Mark as Favorite icon, or right-click the item, then select Mark as Favorite.

How can I see all my favorites?

On the navigation bar, click Favorites toolbar icon.