Managing an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Cluster

Managing an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler cluster involves starting the cluster, propagating configuration changes throughout the cluster, deploying applications and handling unexpected behavior.

This section contains the following topics:

Starting and Stopping the Cluster

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler uses standard J2EE components. As such, Oracle WebLogic Server determines the startup sequence. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler also allows implementing throttling to prevent surges in load.

When stopping a cluster, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and all local Java jobs terminate. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler also attempts to stop all local binary jobs. However, asynchronous jobs such as SOA or PL/SQL jobs continue. The asynchronous callback from SOA or Oracle ADF Business Component services cannot be delivered if the entire Oracle Enterprise Scheduler cluster is down.

In the case of an abrupt shutdown, the server attempts to recover any on-going transactions.

Propagating Configuration Changes to the Cluster

There are two types of configuration: container or server, and job metadata configuration. Job metadata is stored in Oracle Metadata Repository. The process of configuring the server is the same as that of configuring a standard Oracle WebLogic Server, as part of platform configuration maintained by the Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration Framework. Job metadata configuration changes are deployed from Oracle JDeveloper.

At the cluster level, any configuration changes are propagated by deploying EAR files or metadata. Configuration data is stored either in the database or an EAR file. You can modify the configuration files in the EAR file, such as ess-config.xml, using the MBean browser in Fusion Middleware Control.

Cluster members are independent, sharing only the database. There is no communication among members of a cluster.

Deploying Applications to the Cluster

Applications are deployed to the cluster using standard Oracle WebLogic Server EAR files, using standard J2EE defined Oracle WebLogic Server mechanisms. EAR files can be deployed without restarting the server.

An application deployment includes an EAR file, which contains a JAZN and MAR file. The JAZN file, which contains access privileges for the scheduled jobs, is stored in LDAP under the control of Oracle Authorization Policy Manager. The MAR file contains metadata, and is stored in MDS. Oracle WebLogic Server deploys the application EAR file to all Managed Servers in the cluster.

Failures and Expected Behavior

In the event of failure, the main way to ensure the continuation of job processing is to configure a cluster of Oracle Enterprise Schedulers. If a server fails, another node in the cluster transitions all jobs running on the failed server to the relevant state. Synchronous jobs for example, end in an error state and may be retried depending upon whether retries are configured.

In order to enable high availability for the data tier, use Oracle RAC.

This section contains the following topics:


You can configure retries for jobs and job time outs for asynchronous jobs. For more information about configuring retries and time-outs for a job, see Creating a Job Request.

Death Detection and Restart

In order to enable death detection and recovery, each Oracle Enterprise Scheduler cluster node updates its record in the database every minute. This is called a heartbeat. Other nodes monitor the heartbeat, and when the record does not change for a period of time, the server is assumed to be dead. When a server death is detected, each job running on that server is handled. Synchronous jobs are marked as completed with errors, whereas asynchronous jobs continue to run remotely. If retry has been configured, the job marked as completed with errors restarts. Death detection tends to take about ten minutes.

On death detection, the output and log files of a node must be accessible from another node. As such, the file directory containing the job output and log files must be located on a shared file system. This directory is listed in the file ess-config.xml.

Oracle Java Transaction API Migration and Oracle Java Message Service

Oracle JTA migration is not necessary for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler does not use Oracle Java Message Service (JMS) such that JMS recovery is not required.