4 Using the Pre-Deployed Native Hosting Application

The pre-deployed native hosting application is included as part of Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. It greatly simplifies the process of getting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler up and running because you do not have to create your own custom hosting application.

The Oracle Enterprise Scheduler is flexible and provides implementation and deployment options. Planning Job Development is a high-level discussion about how to plan your job development and deployment process

This chapter includes the following sections:


The pre-deployed native hosting application provides a convenient alternative to developing your own custom hosting application and can be used to run any job except a Java-based job.

The pre-deployed native hosting application is collocated with the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler core on the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler server. The pre-deployed native hosting application can be deployed to only one cluster in the domain. The "Enterprise Scheduler Basic" template deploys the pre-deployed native hosting application along with scheduler server components and therefore can be targeted to only one cluster in the domain.

The pre-deployed native hosting application exposes the remote interfaces of Oracle Enterprise Scheduler beans mapped to the following JNDI Names:

  • Runtime service bean: java:comp/env/essnative/runtimeservice

  • Metadata service bean: java:comp/env/essnative/metadataservice

  • Async request bean: java:comp/env/essnative/asyncrequest

If the user uses some other hosting apps, the beans are to be exposed in the above fashion by declaring in weblogic's ejb-jar.xml.


Pre-deployed native-hosting application properties lists the properties and their default settings.

Table 4-1 Pre-Deployed Native Hosting Application Properties

Property Name Value





J2ee App Name


RuntimeService EJB JNDI name


MetadataService EJB JNDI name


AsyncRequestBean JNDI name


MDS Partition


MDS namespace



Normally, a hosting application contains the MAR metadata to be loaded into MDS, however, you cannot add a MAR archive directly into the pre-deployed native hosting application.

If you have a MAR archive that you want to deploy to the pre-deployed native hosting application, you have to deploy it through a client application or using the metadata API (see Using the Metadata Service ).

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler promotes the native hosting application's stripe by registering it with OPSS. This in turn exposes the stripe as viewable from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and other MBeans. Application roles and policies can then be configured at runtime for the metadata available in the native hosting application.

Security Permissions

Permission must be granted for all jobs run by the pre-deployed native hosting application.

By default, EssNativeHostingApp extends support for permissions defined in SOA and Service Bus. This is configured in ess-config.xml using the property HostingAppPolicyStripe specified with the value "EssNativeHostingApp,soa-infra,Service_Bus_Console".

If you install Oracle Enterprise Scheduler with another product (other than SOA or Service Bus) then you must use Oracle Enterprise Scheduler or WLST scripts to extend this property list of stripes.

Configuring the Policy Stripe

The EssNativeHostingApp security policy stripe is configured by customizing the ess-config.xml file. The Oracle Enterprise Scheduler property name is HostingAppPolicyStripe. The following examples show how to use WLST commands to check the policy stripe value and change it.

Check the value of the current policy stripe:

oracle_common/bin/essManageRuntimeConfig.sh \
   -u weblogic -p welcome1 -P 7001 -H localhost -s ess_server1 \
   -A EssNativeHostingApp -n HostingAppPolicyStripe -t ESS

Change the value of the policy stripe:

 oracle_common/bin/essManageRuntimeConfig.sh \
   -u weblogic -p welcome1 -P 7001 -H localhost -s ess_server1 \
   -m -A EssNativeHostingApp -n HostingAppPolicyStripe -t ESS 
   -v MyPolicyStripe

See Oracle Fusion Middleware WLST Command Reference for SOA Suite for more information about WLST commands.

Support for Multiple Application Stripes

The pre-deployed native hosting application supports multistripes. The pre-deployed native hosting application policy stripes are pre-configured for SOA and Service Bus applications.

<EssProperty key="HostingAppPolicyStripe"

You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control or WLST to extend this list of stripes by appending the policy stripes to the value of the HostingAppPolicyStripe property. You can also use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Application Properties page to change the HostingAppPolicyStripe property for the pre-deployed native hosting application.

This property is applicable only for the configuration file of the pre-deployed native hosting application. Note that there is no static definition of policy stripes in the pre-deployed native hosting application's ejb-jar.xml file, therefore, you must preserve the existing policy stripes specified in the HostingAppPolicyStripe property.