7 Configuring and Monitoring Log Files

This chapter describes how to monitor your Oracle Service Bus services using diagnostic log files. Service Bus logging is based on Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL).

This chapter includes the following sections:

For information about ODL and diagnostic log files, see Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Datain Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Introduction to Oracle Service Bus Logging

Service Bus components generate log files containing messages that record all types of events, including startup and shutdown information, errors, warning messages, access information on HTTP requests, and additional information.

Service Bus uses Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) to define the standard format, content, and file-handling of diagnostic log files. In addition to logging standard actions, Service Bus adds entries to the diagnostic log file for any pipelines and split-joins that have log actions and that have logging enabled.

ODL allows you to limit the amount of diagnostic information saved, including the maximum log file size. It provides several log handlers to manage log messages for individual product components, and also provides a standard log message format.

ODL Log Files

The ODL framework writes diagnostic log messages to domain_name/servers/server_name/logs/server_name-diagnostic.log This file is the default log file for all ODL loggers. You can create new log files and change the location of the log files. Once a log file reaches a specified size, it is renamed and a new log file is created. Once total log file storage reaches a specified size, the oldest log file is removed.

ODL Logging Levels

The ODL logging level specified for a log handler determines the amount of information written to the log files. Log levels include a message type and a message level. Enabling logging at a specific level also enables logging at all higher levels.

The following message types are defined for ODL:






The message level further qualifies the message type, indicating the degree of severity of the message. The value is an integer from 1, indicating the highest severity, to 32, indicating the lowest severity. The message type and level together then map to levels defined in java.util.logging.Level. For example, TRACE:32 maps to FINEST, NOTIFICATION:1 maps to INFO. Fusion Middleware Control displays the mapping on the Log Configuration page.

Logging levels are described in greater detail in "Setting the Level of Information Written to Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

ODL Message Format

All products write ODL log messages in a standard format for easier readability. The format is:

[timestamp] [component id] [messagetype:level] [message-id] [module id] ([field-name: field-value])* message-text [supplemental-detail]

For more information about the log entry format, including descriptions of all message components, see "Understanding ODL Messages and ODL Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

ODL Log Configuration

You can configure the ODL log files and log levels using Fusion Middleware Control, WLST commands, or by modifying logging.xml directly (the last method is not recommended). When you update the log configuration, the changes take effect immediately with no server restart required. Using Fusion Middleware Control or WSLT commands, you can view and search log files, create new log files, change the location of log files, change the severity of each logger, and so on.

The logging.xml file is located in domain_name/config/fmwconfig/servers/server_name. By default, there are no logger entries in this file specific to Service Bus, so if you choose to modify logging using this method, you need to add in the Service Bus loggers manually. For lists of loggers, see Oracle Service Bus Loggers.

Oracle Service Bus Loggers

Service Bus includes a variety of loggers to handle messages for various modules. These loggers are all located in the oracle.osb parent logger. You cannot configure the oracle.osb logger; it inherits its configuration from the oracle parent logger. You can view and configure these loggers in Fusion Middleware Control or using WLST commands.

For a complete list of Service Bus loggers, see Oracle Service Bus Loggers.


Service Bus provides debug loggers in the oracle.osb parent logger for backwards compatibility only.

Configuring Diagnostic Logging for Oracle Service Bus

The easiest ways to configure the Service Bus loggers are using Fusion Middleware Control or using WLST commands.

About Service Bus Logging in Fusion Middleware Control

The Log Levels tab on the Log Configuration page in Fusion Middleware Control displays the following information:

  • A View list for selecting the type of loggers for which to view information. Choose from runtime or persistent state loggers.

  • A table that displays the logger name, the Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) level for setting the amount and type of information to write to a log file, the log file, and the log level state.

The Log Files tab displays the log handlers, the log file paths and names, the format of the log messages, the rotation policies used, and other parameters based on the log file configuration class.

Configuring Log Levels and Log Files for Service Bus

You configure log levels and log files for Service Bus using Fusion Middleware Control.

To configure log levels and log files:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Service Bus menu, select Logs > Log Configuration.

    • From the SOA folder in the Target Navigator, right-click service-bus, point to Logs, and select Log Configuration.

    The Log Configuration page appears.

  2. Click the Log Levels tab.
  3. In the Logger Name column, expand Root Logger > oracle > oracle.osb.
  4. In the Oracle Diagnostic Logging Level (Java Level) column for the Service Bus logger you want to edit, select the level of information to write to the log file.
  5. To persist updated log levels so your changes remain after restarting Service Bus, select Persist log level state across component restarts.
  6. When you are done making log level changes, click Apply.
  7. To create and edit log file configurations, click the name of the log file in the Log File column or click the Log Files tab.

    The Log File page appears. Changes you make here are not specific to Service Bus. For information about editing log file configurations, see "Configuring Settings for Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Configuring Oracle Service Bus Logging using WLST Commands

WLST provides commands for updating the logging configuration for a single server. For information about these commands and how to use them, see "Configuring Settings for Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware. A reference of WLST logging commands is provided in "Logging Custom WLST Commands" in WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Components.

Setting Logging Levels for Debugging in Fusion Middleware Control

Although debugging should be disabled during normal Service Bus operation, you may find it helpful to specify debug logging for specific modules while you are developing and experimenting with your solution. For example, you may want to turn on the alert debugging flag when you are developing alerts and want to investigate how the alert engine works.

For more information about debugging Service Bus services, see "Using the Oracle Service Bus Debugger" in the Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.

To set logging levels for debugging:

  1. In the Target Navigator, expand SOA, right-click service-bus, point to Logs, and then select Log Configuration.
  2. On the Log Configuration page, select the Log Levels tab if it is not already displayed.
  3. To debug all Service Bus modules, expand Root Logger > oracle and set the oracle.osb logger to TRACE:32 FINEST in the Oracle Diagnostic Logging Level (Java Level) column
  4. To debug only specific Service Bus modules, expand oracle.osb and set any of the Service Bus loggers to one of the following levels:
    • TRACE:1 (FINE)

    • TRACE:16 (FINER)

    • TRACE:32 (FINEST) - Most verbose level (recommended for troubleshooting)

  5. Click Apply, and then click Close on the confirmation dialog.

    The change takes effect immediately and does not require the server to be restarted. For information about available loggers, see Loggers.

  6. When you are done troubleshooting, set the log levels back to their original values.

Setting the Prefix for Oracle Service Bus Error Messages

Service Bus generates message IDs prefixed by "OSB" followed by a dash and a 6-digit number; for example, OSB-381202. Previous versions of Service Bus prefixed log messages with "BEA" instead. If you monitor log files or services using third-party tools that expect to find "BEA" in log messages and SOAP faults, those tools may no longer work as expected.

To continue using the "BEA" prefix in Service Bus messages, set the following system property at runtime:


You can set this property in the WebLogic Server Administration Console on the Configuration > Server Start page for the Service Bus server.

Configuring Oracle Service Bus for Offline Logging

When you are working with Service Bus offline instead of running in an application server, the logging environment is not automatically configured. To configure offline logging, you need to configure the logging.xml file manually and set the following two system properties:


logging.xml is the path and name of the logging.xml file that you configured for offline logging.

Viewing Diagnostic Log Files for Oracle Service Bus

You can view log files using Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST displayLogs command.

You can download log files to your local client and view them using another tool; for example, a text editor or another file viewing utility.

Viewing Oracle Service Bus Log Files in Fusion Middleware Control

For more information about viewing server and domain log files in Fusion Middleware Control, see "Viewing and Searching Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

To view Service Bus log messages:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Service Bus menu, select Logs > View Log Messages.

    • From the SOA folder in the Target Navigator, right-click service-bus, point to Logs, and select View Log Messages.

    The Log Messages page appears.

  2. In the Search section, filter the log messages you want to view by date, message type, or message content, and then click Search.

    A list of log messages matching the criteria appears in the table.

    For more information about the search criteria on this page, see the online help for the page and "Searching Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  3. Select a message in the table to view more information in the lower panel of the page.
  4. Do any of the following:
    • To group messages by message attributes, such as ECID, message type, or target, select the combination of attributes in the Show field.

    • To group messages by the time they were processed, click View Related Messages and select By Time.

    • To group messages by ECID, click View Related Messages and select By ECID.

    • To export the messages to a file, click Export Message to File and then select the type of file (text, XML, or comma-separated).

    • To change the refresh rate for messages, click in the refresh field and select a 30-second refresh rate, 1-minute refresh rate, or manual refresh.

Customizing the Log Message View

The View menu above the log file entries lets you select which columns to display and in what order. You can also define how to sort the displayed messages.

To customize the view of log messages:

  1. To select additional columns to display for each message, do the following:

    1. Click the View menu, point to Columns, and then select a column name to display.

    2. Repeat the above step for each column to display.

  2. To remove columns from the table, do the following:

    1. Click the View menu, point to Columns, and then deselect a column name to remove it.

    2. Repeat the above step for each column to remove.

  3. To define how messages are sorted in the list, do the following:

    1. Click the View menu, point to Sort, and then select Advanced.

      The Advanced Sort dialog appears, where you can sort by up to three columns.

    2. Select the first column to sort by and whether to sort in ascending or descending order.

    3. Repeat the above step for any additional columns to sort by, and then click OK.

  4. To display columns in a different order, do the following:

    1. Click the View menu and select Reorder.

      The Reorder Columns dialog appears.

    2. Select a column to reorder and then move it up or down in the list using the arrow buttons on the right.

    3. Repeat the above step for any additional columns to move, and then click OK.

Viewing Oracle Service Bus Log Files Using WLST Commands

WLST provides commands for searching and viewing log messages. For information about these commands and how to use them to view log files, see "Viewing Log Files and Their Messages Using WLST" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware. For a reference of WLST logging commands, see "Logging Custom WLST Commands" in WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Components.

Oracle Service Bus Loggers

These list the standard loggers provided with Service Bus and list the debug loggers along with their correspondence to the debug loggers from the previous version.

This section contains the following topics:

Service Bus Standard Loggers

The standard loggers provided with Service Bus are listed below.

  • oracle.osb.configfwk

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.resequencer.ServiceNamesLovModel

  • oracle.osb.fmwemplugin.core

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.resource.ResourceMetricsDetailsViewHandler

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.base.OSBContext

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.util.AdfUtil

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.OSBModel

  • oracle.osb.owsm.resource.owsm

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.monitor.alerts.AlertsHistoryModel

  • oracle.osb.resources.core.resourcemanagement

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.monitor.metrics.ServiceMetricsHelper

  • oracle.osb.security.api.security

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.monitor.metrics.ServiceMetricsModel

  • oracle.osb.services.core.initialization

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.operations.global.GlobalOperationalSettingsModel

  • oracle.osb.statistics.alsbstatistics

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resequencer.ResequencerModel

  • oracle.osb.transports.dsp.dsptransportmessages

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.ResourceMetricsDetailsModel

  • oracle.osb.transports.jca

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.ResourceOperationalSettingsModel

  • oracle.osb.transports.mq.mqtransport

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.Service

  • oracle.osb.uddi.services.uddiconfiguration

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.businessService.BusinessService

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.pipeline.Pipeline

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.container

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.proxyService.ProxyService

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.dao.toplink.service

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.resource.splitJoin.SplitJoin

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.dao.toplink.sessi

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.util.DateUtil

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.infra.deployment

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.model.util.JMXUtil

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.management

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.common.query.SavedSearchDefinition

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.service

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.monitor.alerts.AlertsHistoryViewHandler

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.service.event

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.monitor.metrics.ServiceMetricsViewHandler

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.threadpool

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.operations.global.GlobalOperationalSettingsViewHandler

  • oracle.soa.resequencer.OSB.utils

  • oracle.osb.mgmt.view.resequencer.ResequencerViewHandler

Service Bus Debug Loggers in 11g and 12c

The following table shows the mapping between the debug loggers previously configured in alsbdebug.xml and configfwkdebug.xml, along with the new ODL debug logger names.


The debug loggers listed in the following table are included for backwards compatibility only, and will be deprecated in later releases.

Table 7-1 Service Bus Debug Loggers in 11g and 12c

12c Log Handler 11g Log Handler Description



Prints an evaluation of alerts.









Logs low level debug information about create, update, delete, and import operations.



Logs information on general aspects of Service Bus configuration.



Logs debug information on session creation, activation, and distribution of configuration in a cluster.






Logs debug information on encryption and decryption during importing and exporting.



Logs low-level debug information about changes made to in-memory data structures and files. This debug flag also generates server startup recovery logs.









Logs information on custom resources.









Logs information on errors generated in split-joins.









Logs information on the out of the box, JMS-based reporting provider.



Logs information on user and group management in the console.






Logs message tracing information.

(not in 12c)


No longer used.



Logs information on the statistics system.



Logs information on MQ connection resources.



Logs information on errors generated in pipelines.



Logs information on proxy servers.



Logs information on message resequencing.



Logs information on business service result caching.













(not in 12c)


No longer used.



Logs information on service accounts.






Logs information on service providers.



Logs information on various service-related configuration operations.



Logs information on access control.

(not in 12c)


No longer used.






Logs information on transaction related actions.



Logs information on test console activities.



Logs information on the throttling feature.



Logs transport-related debug information, including transport headers, printed per-message.



Logs information on UDDI registries.



Logs information on WADL related configuration operation.



Logs information on WS policy.



Logs information on WSDL-related configuration operation.

Log Configuration After Upgrading from 11g

When upgrading from Oracle Service Bus 11g, the upgrade process removes the alsbdebug.xml file. If the server was previously configured to enable debug logging through alsbdebug.xml, you need to reconfigure logging to enable debug logging again.

Table 7-1 lists the new loggers to use.

In addition, Service Bus now writes log entries to the diagnostic log file instead of the server log file, so any custom tools used to inspect the log files in version 11g need to be updated. The old file name is server_name.log; the new file name is server_name-diagnostic.log.

Logging Levels

Upgrading Service Bus from 11g automatically updates the logging levels in existing Service Bus log messages. The following table describes how the previous log levels map to the new log levels.

Table 7-2 Mapping of 11g Log Levels to 12c

WLS Severity ODL Message Type: Message Level Integer value






500 (Level.FINE)



800 (Level.INFO)






900 (Level.WARNING)



1000 (Level.SEVERE)










Log Message Formatting

Logging with ODL means that log messages are formatted differently than in previous versions. The new format is:

[timestamp] [component id] [messagetype:level] [message-id] [module id] 
([field-name: field-value])* message-text [supplemental-detail

Table 7-3 shows how previous versions of Service Bus log messages map to the new ODL format. For more information about the log message format, see "Understanding ODL Messages and ODL Log Files" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Table 7-3 Message Format Mapping to ODL

WebLogic Server Format ODL Format




Message Type:Level




Field-name:field-value (Host ID)

Server Name

Component ID


Field-name:field-value (Thread ID)

User ID

Field-name:field-value (User ID)

Transaction ID


Diagnostic Context ID

Field-name:field-value (Execution Context ID)

Raw Time Value


Message ID

Message ID

Message Text

Message Text