2 Getting Started with the Oracle Service Bus Console

This chapter provides general information about how to use the Oracle Service Bus Console to configure services and other Service Bus resources. These are largely design-time activities that require a running WebLogic Server instance, but you can also perform runtime tasks using the console.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of the Oracle Service Bus Console

Oracle Service Bus Console is a web-based console where you can create and configure most Service Bus resources, test the resources, and activate your changes to the runtime. You can also import and export Service Bus configuration JAR files. The console utilizes a change session mechanism similar to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, where you can complete your changes within a session, and once you are satisfied with those changes, activate them into the runtime. Service Bus components, called resources, are grouped into projects and folders.

Service Bus Sessions

Most of what you do in the Oracle Service Bus Console is done within an open session. Once you make your changes to Service Bus components and projects, resolve any conflicts, and are ready to propagate the changes to the runtime, you can activate the session. Sessions allow team collaboration when services and metadata are being configured in Service Bus. Each team member works in a sandbox session until they are ready to check in the working configuration to the core configuration of the bus. Sessions provide multiple levels of undo, and visibility into conflicts, as multiple users work on the configuration.

The available options on each page vary depending on whether you are in a session. For example, you cannot edit resources outside of a session, and you can only test services when you are working outside of a session. Also, in a session, the Changes page that appears when you click History lists all the changes you have made in that session; outside a session, the page lists no changes.

Oracle Service Bus Console Layout

The Oracle Service Bus Console lists all projects, folders, and resources in the Project Navigator in a tree view. Selecting any component in the navigator displays its configuration in an editor. Most editors are divided into tabbed pages, each of which let you configure specific types of properties. Figure 2-1 shows an example of a proxy service displayed in the Proxy Service Definition Editor. The top toolbar provides links to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, Fusion Middleware Control, and online help topics. The editor toolbar lets you save changes, view information about the displayed component, launch the Test Console or Pipeline Editor, and export the WSDL file on which a service is based.

Figure 2-1 Proxy Service Configuration on the Oracle Service Bus Console

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Proxy Service Configuration on the Oracle Service Bus Console"

By selecting any of the auxiliary tabs at the bottom of the page, you can view conflicts, any references for the currently displayed resource, a history of changes and activations, the results of a Find and Replace action, and the results of a search performed from the Search field above the Project Navigator. Use these tabs to resolve conflicts before activating changes, and to undo actions or even session activations. Figure 2-2 shows the History tab with the Changes subtab selected.

Figure 2-2 Auxiliary Tabs in the Oracle Service Bus Console

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Auxiliary Tabs in the Oracle Service Bus Console"

Service Bus Projects and Folders

The Project Navigator organizes configurations and resources into projects and folders. You can view all the projects in a domain on the All Projects Definition Editor; all the resources in a project on the Project Definition Editor; and all the resources in a folder on the Folder Definition Editors. On the Project and Folder Definition Editors, you can also take actions against resources, such as launching the Test Console or launching the Pipeline Editor. Click the name of a project, folder, or resource on any of these editors to display the editor for that component.

All Service Bus resources, such as services, WSDL files, and XQuery transformations, reside in only one project. Projects do not overlap. Resources can be created directly under a project, or they can be further organized into folders. However, you can reference any resource regardless of the project in which it resides.

When you create a domain in Service Bus, a default project is automatically created.

The System Project

The Project Navigator includes a default project named System, which contains a flat file of global resources such as JNDI providers, SMTP servers, proxy servers, and UDDI registries. The project includes a folder for each type of global resource. You cannot create any projects or folders in the System folder, only global resources. The global resources you create in the System project can be used by the resources in any of the Service Bus projects you create.

Figure 2-3 System Project in the Console

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 System Project in the Console"

Projects and Folder Names

Project names and folder names are limited to 64 characters and must follow the guidelines list in Naming Guidelines for Service Bus Components.

The names, length, and levels of nesting of projects and folders are ultimately affected by the limits of your operating system. Creating folders or projects with very long names or deeply nesting folders can fail due to the limitations of the operating system.

Qualified Resource Names Using Projects and Folders

Projects and folders qualify the names of Service Bus resources. A reference to a resource is constructed as follows:


Service Bus Resources

The components you create in Service Bus are known as resources. Resources can include proxy and business services that defines the endpoints of the service, and pipelines and split-joins that define the message processing logic for the service. Resources also include supporting resources, such as service accounts, WSDL documents, JNDI providers, MQ connections, and so on. Resources are stored in the projects and folders in which they are created. Some resources can be shared among different projects.

Oracle Service Bus Console Editors

Each type of resource can be configured using an editor in the console that is specific to that type of resource. When you open a resource from the Project Navigator, that resource's definition editor appears, and you can configure the properties for the resource. The definition editors have a standard set of tools in the upper right toolbar, including Save, Save All, Help, Close, and Close All. In addition, each editor includes tools specific to the resource being configured. These tools allow you to perform additional tasks, like launch the Test Console, launch the Pipeline Editor, export a WSDL file, view references, and so on. The following figure shows the Proxy Service Definition Editor.

Figure 2-4 Proxy Service Definition Editor

Description of Figure 2-4 follows
Description of "Figure 2-4 Proxy Service Definition Editor"

Getting Started

To get started using the Oracle Service Bus Console, you need to have a web browser and a login ID and password.

How to Access the Oracle Service Bus Console

You access the Oracle Service Bus Console from a web browser.

To start the Oracle Service Bus Console:

  1. Start the Service Bus domain.
  2. When the server starts, enter one of the following URLs in your browser:

    or, for SSL:


    where hostname represents the name of the Service Bus Admin Server and port represents the port number on which it is listening.

    The login page appears.

  3. Enter the user name and the password you specified during installation.


    The user name and password for the Service Bus Examples domain is weblogic/welcome1.

  4. Click Login.

How to Exit the Oracle Service Bus Console

To log out of the Oracle Service Bus Console, click Logout on the banner near the upper right.

Working with Sessions

When you create and modify Service Bus resources in the console, you do so within the context of a session. When you are ready to test your resources, you activate the session to promote them to the runtime. You must save all changes before activating or exiting a session.

To view a history of sessions, see How to View the Existing Sessions.

How to Create a Session

Before making any changes to your Service Bus projects in the Oracle Service Bus Console, you must start a new session or edit an existing session using the buttons in the Sessions toolbar. These buttons change depending on the state of the session. If there is no active session, the Edit button in the figure below is Create. If you are working in a session, the Edit button is Activate.

To create a session:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To begin a new session, click Create.

    • To modify an existing session, click Edit.

    The name of the session appears in the upper right.

  2. Make your changes within the session.
  3. For each component you change, click Save.
  4. To discard the changes you made in the current session, click Discard.
  5. When you are done making changes, activate the session as described in How to Activate a Session.

How to Activate a Session

Creating a session and discarding a session proceeds regardless of other activity in the system. However, if another session is in the process of being activated, an error occurs indicating the user that has the pending WebLogic Server changes.

You cannot activate a session until you have resolved all error conflicts. You can activate a session that has only warnings. For information on resolving conflicts, see Viewing and Resolving Conflicts.


When you try to activate a session with a JMS endpoint URI on another server (a single server other than the one on which you are working or a Managed Server in a cluster), ensure that the destination server is available. Service Bus does not allow registration of proxy services with the JMS transport if the JMS endpoint URL specifies a destination that is unreachable. In other words, for JMS services, Service Bus checks if the specified connection factory exists; if it does not, a session activation error occurs.

To activate a session:

  1. Once you finish making changes for a session, click Activate.
  2. If there are no validation errors, skip to step 5.
  3. If there are validation errors, an error message appears. View and fix configuration conflicts before you proceed.

    If new conflicts arise while you view the existing conflicts, a message appears informing you of the new conflicts.

  4. Once all conflicts are resolved, click Activate again.
  5. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the session. This is displayed in the Description column when you to view the history of configuration changes caused by session activations.
  6. To complete the activation, click Activate. If no new conflicts have arisen in the interim, the session ends and the configuration is deployed to the runtime.

How to Exit a Session

Exiting a session does not end the session or activate any changes to the runtime. After exiting, the console displays the core configuration that is active in the runtime state. Any changes you made during the session that were not activated are not shown. This behavior also applies if you log out of the console or close your browser. The session and all changes that you have made in the session persist even if you log out or the server is restarted. If you return to the session by clicking Edit, your previous changes reappear and you can continue making changes.

The session ends only after it has been activated or discarded. See How to Activate a Session.

To exit a session:

  • Click Exit at any time to exit the session.

Working with Projects, Folders, and Resources in Oracle Service Bus Console

Service Bus resources can be organized into separate projects, which are non-hierarchical, disjointed, top-level grouping constructs. All resources (such as services, WSDL files, XQuery transformations, and so on) reside in exactly one non-overlapping project.

You create resources directly under a project or in folders within the project to organize them further. Each folder contains a set of resources and can also contain additional folders, like directories in a file system with the project level being the top-level directory. Resources located in one project can reference and use resources that are defined in other projects. You can move resources between projects or folders, and rename or delete them. Service Bus also lets you clone a resource, project, or folder to create a copy of that resource with the specified target identity. Cloning a Service Bus component copies all artifacts in the project or folder to a different location. Service Bus preserves dependencies when resources are renamed or moved, and also adjusts any references to a renamed or moved resource.

How to Locate Services

You can find services in the Oracle Service Bus Console by navigating through the projects and folders in the Project Navigator, or you can perform a search for the service you want to find.


Searches accept wildcard characters. Use an asterisk (*) to represent multiple unknown characters, and use a question mark (?) to represent a single unknown character. The search is case-sensitive.

To search for services in any project:

  1. In the Search field above the Resources tab, enter the name of the proxy service, business service, pipeline, or split-join you want to find, and then click Search (the right arrow icon).

    The results of your search appear on the Search Results tab in the lower portion of the page. You might need to click the up arrow to the right of the tabs to view the results.

    Figure 2-6 Service Search Results Tab

    Description of Figure 2-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-6 Service Search Results Tab"
  2. To view the results in a full page, click Detach.
  3. To change your view options, see How to Customize Table Views.

Working with the Project and Folder Definition Editors

Use the Project and Folder Definition Editors to view information about the projects, folders, and resources in your Service Bus session and in the configuration framework. From these editors, you can view each project in the session, each folder and resource in a project, and each resource in a folder. You can also take actions against certain objects, such as testing a resource, launching the Pipeline Editor, and so on. The available actions depend on the type of resource you are viewing.

About Viewing Project, Folder, and Resource Information

The Project and Folder Definition Editors let you customize the way you view information about Service Bus projects, folders, and resources. In the table views on the editors, you can show and hide columns, change the order of columns, and filter the projects, folders, and resources you see by their names.

Viewing All Projects in the Session

To view all projects in the session:

  1. In the Project Navigator, click All Projects.

    The All Project Definition Editor appears, with a list of projects displayed in the All Projects table.

    Figure 2-7 All Projects Definition Editor

    Description of Figure 2-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-7 All Projects Definition Editor"
  2. To filter the projects listed in the table by name, see How to Filter Components on the Project and Folder Definition Editors.
  3. To change the way information appears in the table, see How to Customize Table Views.

Viewing Folders and Resources in a Project

To view the folders and resources in a project:

  1. In the Project Navigator, click the name of the project.

    The Project Definition Editor appears, with a list of each folder and Service Bus resource contained in the project you selected.

    Figure 2-8 Project Definition Editor

    Description of Figure 2-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-8 Project Definition Editor"
  2. To filter the folders and resources listed in the table by name, see How to Filter Components on the Project and Folder Definition Editors.
  3. To change the way information appears in the table, see How to Customize Table Views.

Viewing the Subfolders and Resources in a Folder

To view the subfolders and resources in a folder:

  1. In the Project Navigator, navigate to and click the name of the folder to view.

    The Folder Definition Editor appears, with a list of each subfolder and Service Bus resource contained in the folder you selected.

    Figure 2-9 Folder Definition Editor

    Description of Figure 2-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-9 Folder Definition Editor"
  2. To filter the folders and resources listed in the table by name, see How to Filter Components on the Project and Folder Definition Editors.
  3. To change the way information appears in the table, see How to Customize Table Views.

How to Filter Components on the Project and Folder Definition Editors

Service Bus provides a Query by Example feature that lets you filter the projects, folders, or resources displayed on the Project or Folder Definition Editor so you can view only the Service Bus components you need without having to scroll through all the components listed.

To filter components on the Project and Folder Definition Editors:

  1. Launch the Project or Folder Definition Editor, as described in About Viewing Project, Folder, and Resource Information.
  2. If the Query by Example bar is not visible above the top row of the table, click Query by Example (the filter icon).
  3. In the field above the Name column, enter the name of the project, folder, or resource you want to view, and press Enter.

    The list displays only the components matching the name you entered.


    Queries accept wildcard characters. Use an asterisk (*) to represent multiple unknown characters, and use a question mark (?) to represent a single unknown character. The query is case-sensitive.

Create New Projects and Folders for Resources

Resources in the console are grouped in projects. You must create a project before you can create Service Bus resources. You can create folders within projects and within other folders to organize the project components into logical groupings.

Creating a Project in the Project Navigator

To create a project:

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click All Projects.
  2. Select Create > Project.

    The Create a New Project dialog appears.

  3. Enter a unique name for the project, and optionally add a description.

    For information about naming guidelines, see Projects and Folder Names.

  4. Click Create.

    The new project appears in the Project Navigator and the Project Definition Editor.

Creating a Folder in the Project Navigator

To create a folder:

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the project or folder to which you want to add the new folder.
  2. Select Create > Folder.

    The Create a New Folder dialog appears.

  3. Enter a unique name for the folder, and optionally add a description.
  4. Click Create.

    The new folder appears in the Project Navigator and the Folder Definition Editor.

How to Clone Projects, Folders, and Resources

Cloning a project or folder copies all resources in a project or folder to a different location. You can also clone individual resources to copy them to a different folder or project. Service Bus preserves dependencies when an object is cloned, and also adjusts any references.

To clone projects, folders, and resources:

  1. In the Project Navigator, navigate to the project, folder, or resource you want to clone and right-click it.
  2. Click Clone.

    The Clone dialog appears.

  3. Optionally, in the New <Resource> Name field, enter a new name for the component.
  4. In the Destination section, select the project or folder to which you want to clone the selected component.
  5. Click Clone.

    The cloned component appears in the location you selected. Any dependencies are retained.

What Happens When You Clone a Project

Depending on the name and destination of the new project, the project can be demoted to a folder, merged with an existing project, or merged with an existing folder. If you clone a project into the root location, you must enter a new name for the cloned component. You can clone a project in the following ways. In all cases, the original project remains unchanged.

  • Clone the project with a new name at the All Projects level. The original project and its clone exist as peer projects, and the cloned project contains the same folders and resources as the original.

  • Clone the project using the name of an existing project other than the source project. The folders and resources from the source project are merged with the folders and resources of the project whose name was given to the clone.

  • Clone the project in a new location (in an existing project or project folder) with a unique name. The cloned project is demoted to a folder in the new location and it contains the same folders and resources as the original project.

  • Clone the project in a new location (in an existing project or project folder) with the same name as an existing folder. The contents (subfolders and resources) of the project are merged with the contents of the target folder in the target folder.

What Happens When You Clone a Folder

Depending on the name and destination of the new folder, the folder can be converted to a project, merged with an existing project, or merged with an existing folder. If you clone a folder into its current location, you must enter a new name for the cloned component. You can clone a folder in the following ways. In all cases, the original folder remains unchanged.

  • Clone the folder with a new name at the same location as the original folder. The original folder and its clone exist as peers, and the cloned folder contains the same subfolders and resources as the original.

  • Clone the folder using the name of an existing folder other than the source folder. The subfolders and resources from the source folder are merged with the subfolders and resources of the folder whose name was given to the clone. The original folder remains unchanged.

  • Clone the folder in a new location, in an existing project or project folder. In this case, the cloned folder contains the same folders and resources as the original folder. The original folder remains unchanged.

How to Rename Projects, Folders, and Resources

When you rename Service Bus components, any references are automatically updated.


If you rename a business service imported from the UDDI registry, the service will become detached from the registry.

To rename a Service Bus component:

  1. In the Project Navigator, navigate to the component whose name you want to change.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the component and select Rename.

    • Select the component to rename, and then click the component again.

  3. Select the text of the component's name, and enter the new name. For naming guidelines, see Projects and Folder Names.
  4. Press Enter.

    The component is renamed.

How to Move Projects, Folders, and Resources

When you move resources to a different location, Service Bus retains any dependencies against that resource. If you move a project into another project, Service Bus converts it to a folder within the second project. Conversely, if you move a folder into the All Projects node, Service Bus converts it to a project.

To move a Service Bus component:

  1. In the Project Navigator, navigate to the project, folder, or resource you want to move and right-click it.
  2. Click Move.

    The Move dialog appears.

  3. In the Destination section, select the project or folder to which you want to move the selected component.
  4. Click Move.

    The moved component appears in the location you selected. Any dependencies are retained.


    You cannot move a component to a project or folder that already contains a component by the same name.

How to Delete Projects, Folders, and Resources

When you delete a project or folder, all resources under the folder are deleted. If any resources under this folder are referenced by resources under a different project or folder, you can still delete it but with a warning confirmation. This might result in conflicts due to unresolved references to the deleted resource.

You can delete Service Bus components from the Project Navigator or from the Project or Folder Definition Editor. When you delete from an editor, you can delete multiple components in the same container at once.


If you delete a project or folder that contains a pipeline template resource, all the concrete pipelines derived from that template are unlinked.

Deleting a Service Bus Component using the Project Navigator

To delete a Service Bus component using the Project Navigator:

  1. In the Project Navigator, navigate to the component you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the component and select Delete.
  3. On the Confirmation dialog that appears, click Yes to complete the process.

    The component is removed from the Project Navigator and from the session.

Deleting a Service Bus Component Using an Editor

To delete Service Bus components using an editor:

  1. In the Project Navigator, navigate to the project or folder containing the components you want to delete.
  2. Click the project or folder to display its editor. To delete projects, click the All Projects node instead.

    The Project or Folder Definition Editor appears.

  3. In the components table, select each component you want to delete, and then click the Delete icon.


    To select multiple components, hold down the Ctrl key and click each component to delete.

  4. On the Confirmation dialog that appears, click Yes to complete the process.

    The components are removed from the editor, the Project Navigator, and the session.

Viewing and Resolving Conflicts

The Conflicts tab at the bottom of each page displays diagnostic messages about errors in your configuration, along with any conflicts between changes made in your session and other activated sessions. A conflict occurs if there is a semantic error in a Service Bus resource or if a resource modified in the current session has already been modified and activated in another session. Two changes to the same resource by two sessions do not cause a conflict until one of the sessions is activated. You can view and resolve conflicts using the Conflicts tab at the bottom of the page.

The Conflicts icon in the toolbar displays the number of live conflicts in the session.

Figure 2-10 Conflict Icon in the Toolbar

Description of Figure 2-10 follows
Description of "Figure 2-10 Conflict Icon in the Toolbar"

The Conflicts tab displays the following sets of information, depending on the nature of the conflicts:

  • Errors: An Error icon denotes non-committable, critical conflicts within your configuration. You cannot commit your changes without resolving the conflicts.

  • Concurrent Updates: A Warning icon denotes committable, non-critical conflicts. These warn you of incompatible changes with other activated sessions.

  • Informational Messages: A Warning icon denotes committable, non-critical conflicts within your configuration.

How to View Conflicts and Errors

The Conflicts tab displays errors in your current Service Bus configuration and reflects any conflicts your changes have with other activations. You can view all conflicts, or just those for the resource displayed in the current resource editor.

Viewing All Conflicts and Errors in the Service Bus Console

To view all conflicts and errors:

  1. Access the Conflicts tab by doing one of the following:
    • Click the Errors icon in the uppermost toolbar.

    • Click the Conflicts tab at the bottom of the page.

  2. To view errors in your configuration click Errors on the Conflicts tab.
  3. To view conflicts with concurrent updates in other activations, click Concurrent Updates on the Conflicts tab.
  4. To display details of a specific conflict, click the link in the Name column for that conflict.

Viewing Conflicts and Errors for a Deployed Resource

If a Service Bus resource contains errors, when you display that component in its editor, a conflict icon appears next to the name of the editor.

To view conflicts and errors for the displayed resource:

  1. With a resource displayed in its editor, click the Conflicts icon next to the editor title (for example, next to Business Service Definition).

    The first conflict is highlighted in the Conflict tab at the bottom of the page.

  2. Expand the conflict to view additional information about the error that caused the conflict.
  3. To scroll through the conflicts for a component, click the left and right arrows next to the Conflicts icon.

How to Resolve Conflicts and Errors

You must resolve all error conflicts in a session before you can activate that session. To resolve a conflict, use the information provided in the Errors and Concurrent Updates tables on the Conflicts tab to understand the problem and then modify the component that is causing the conflict.

Resolving Concurrent Update Conflicts

If you have a conflict that occurs because a resource was modified in the current session and it was already modified and activated in another session, you can resolve the conflict in one of two ways.

  • To save your changes to the runtime and override the changes deployed in the conflicting session, click Activate in the upper right toolbar.

    The changes activated by the conflicting session's user are overwritten by your changes in this session.

  • To restore a component in this session to the state in which it was saved in the runtime, select the component in the Concurrent Updates table and click Synchronize above the table.

    The resource in your session is updated with the changes activated in the conflicting session. You can then make your updates and activate your changes.

Resolving Error Conflicts

To resolve error conflicts:

  1. In the Errors table of the Conflicts tab, click the Expand icon to the left of the resource you want to resolve.

    The error message appears below the resource.

  2. Click the name of the resource to open it in a Service Bus editor.
  3. Update the resource to fix the issue based on the information provided in the error message.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat these steps until you resolve all conflicts.

Viewing Historical Data

The History tab has three different views: Changes, Sessions, and Activations.

How to View the Changes in the Current Session

The Changes view of the History tab displays different information based on whether or not you are in a session. When you are in a session, the Changes view displays a list of configuration changes that you have made during the current session. When you are outside a session, the Changes view does not display any changes.

To view the changes in the current session:

  1. Click the History tab at the bottom of the page.

    The History tab appears with the Changes view selected. The Changes table displays the type of change made, the time each change was made, the person who made each change, the status, and, if the change was reversed, the person who reversed it.

  2. To undo any of the changes listed, see How to Undo Specific Changes in the Current Session.

How to View the Existing Sessions

The Sessions view of the History tab displays a list of all existing sessions within the Oracle Service Bus Console. You can view these sessions if you are currently in a session or outside a session.

You only view all sessions if you are logged in with an Administration role. For more information, see "Defining Access Security for Oracle Service Bus" in Administering Oracle Service Bus.

To view the existing sessions:

  1. Click the History tab at the bottom of the page.

    The History tab appears with the Changes view selected.

  2. Click Sessions above the table.

    The Sessions table appears with a list of sessions, the user who created each session, the date and time each session was created and modified, and the number of resources that were changed.

  3. To switch to a session in the list, select that session and click the Switch to Session icon.


    The same user logged in to multiple browsers is not supported. It causes unpredictable behavior in the console.

How to View the Changes in an Activated Session

The Activations view of the History tab displays a list of all Service Bus activations. For each activation listed, you can view a history of changes that were activated.

To view the changes in an activated session:

  1. Click the History tab at the bottom of the page.

    The History tab appears with the Changes view selected.

  2. Click Activations above the table.

    The Activations table appears with a list of activations, their descriptions, the time each activation occurred, the user who activated each session, the status of the activation, and, if the activation was reversed, the user who reversed it.

  3. To view information about each change in an activation, click that activation in the Activation column.

    The Task Details dialog appears with a list of each change made in the selected session.

  4. To view any of the resources or locations (paths) listed in the task details, click the name of the resource or location.

    The resource or location opens in a Service Bus editor.

  5. To undo activations or purge tasks for an activation, see the following topics:

How to Purge Activated Sessions

You can purge all sessions activated or only those over a specific period, delimited by start and end dates. This action can only be performed outside a session.


Purging session activation history involves deleting data that enables multiple levels of undo. If you purge session activation history for a specific period, you will not be able to undo sessions activated during that period.

To view the changes in an activated session:

  1. Make sure you are not in an active session.
  2. Click the History tab at the bottom of the page.

    The History tab appears with the Changes view selected.

  3. Click Activations above the table.
  4. Click the Purge Tasks icon above the table.

    The Purge Activation History dialog appears.

  5. On the Purge Activation History dialog, do one of the following:
    • To purge all tasks for all sessions, select Purge All Tasks.

    • To purge tasks for a specific time period, select Purge Selected Tasks, and enter the beginning and ending dates and times for the period to purge.

  6. Click Purge, and then click Yes to confirm the purge.

    The selected activations are removed from the list, and a new entry appears with a description of the purge.

Undoing Changes and Activations

When you are working in a session, you can undo tasks in any order. The undo operation sets the configuration of a resource to its configuration prior to the change you are undoing. If the task being undone was one that created a resource, there is no previous state to which the resource can be returned; in other words, no resource existed before this task was performed. Effectively, the undo operation deletes the resource from the session. In this case, errors occur if there are any reference to the resource being deleted. You can view such errors on the Conflicts tab. Service Bus supports unlimited undo operations. This means you can even reverse undo operations.

When you are not working in a session, you can view a history of sessions that were previously activated. You can also undo those sessions. The system does not allow you to undo a session that was previously activated if an error in the runtime configuration would result from the undo action. For example, if you attempt to undo a session activation that results in the removal of a resource that is being referenced by another resource, that undo action is not allowed.

How to Undo Specific Changes in the Current Session

In the Changes view of the History tab, you can undo specific tasks that you performed during your current session. You can undo any change in the current session. However if you realize you performed an undo operation in error, you can undo that action as well.

To undo specific changes in the current session:

  1. Click the History tab at the bottom of the page.

    The History tab appears with the Changes view selected.

  2. Select the change you want to undo, and then click the Undo icon above the table.

    The change is reversed. If you reversed a Create task, the selected resource is removed from the session and no longer appears in the Project Navigator. If you reversed a Delete task, the selected resource is added back to the session and reappears in the Project Navigator.

How to Undo a Session Activation

In the Activations view of the History tab, you can undo session activations. If semantic errors result from undoing a session activation, you are prevented from undoing an activation. The alternative is to undo the session activation and have the changes put into a new session. You can then fix the semantic errors and activate the new session. You can also use this capability of undoing into a session to explore the ramifications of undoing a session activation. You can examine all the changes that result, and determine whether to undo the activation. Service Bus lets you undo multiple levels of session activation, constrained only by your system resources.

To undo a session activation:

  1. Click the History tab at the bottom of the page.

    The History tab appears with the Changes view selected.

  2. Click Activations above the table.

    The Activation table displays the previous activations.

  3. To undo an activation, do the following:
    • Click the empty field to the right of the session you want to undo to select it.

    • Click the Undo icon above the table.

      The session activation is reversed.

  4. To undo an activation into a session, do the following:
    • Click the empty field to the right of the session you want to undo to select it.

    • Click Undo in a Session.

      The session activation is reversed and a new session is created pre-populated with the tasks needed to undo the changes activated in the session.

Viewing References

The References tab displays information about resources that either reference other resources or are referenced by other resources. For projects and folders, the References tab lists the following:

  • Resources outside of the current project or folder that are referenced by resources inside the project or folder.

  • Resources outside of the current project or folder that reference resources inside the project or folder.

For any project, folder, or resource in the console, click the References icon in the upper right on the editor to view information about these references on the References tab.

Viewing Resource References

You can view references to resources whether or not you are in a session.

To view resource references:

  1. Open a project, folder, or resource in its Service Bus editor.
  2. Click the References/Referenced By icon in the upper right portion of the editor.

    The References page appears, and shows the selected resource in bold. The Referenced By column lists any resources that reference the selected resource. The References column lists any resources that the selected resource references.

  3. Click the name of a resource to display it in its editor.
  4. Click the left arrow next to a resource in the Referenced By column to view the references for that resource.
  5. Click the right arrow next to a resource in the References column to view the references for that resource.

Customizing the Appearance of the Oracle Service Bus Console

Several editors in the console display information in tables. You can customize how tables display this information.

How to Customize Table Views

The menu bar above each table lets you specify which columns to display and in what order. You can also specify the sort order for the columns and view the table full-screen.

Specifying the Columns to Display

To specify the columns to display:

  1. In the upper left of the table, click View and select Columns.

    A sub-menu appears, displaying a list of available columns. A check next to a column indicates that it is visible.

  2. To display all available columns, select Show All.
  3. To specify which columns to display, select Manage Columns.

    The Manage Columns dialog appears.

    Figure 2-15 Manage Columns dialog

    Description of Figure 2-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-15 Manage Columns dialog"
  4. To hide a displayed column, select the column name in the Hidden Columns panel and click the right arrow button.
  5. To display a hidden column, select the column name in the Visible Columns panel and click the left arrow button.

    An asterisk denotes a required column.

  6. Repeat until you have listed all the column names you want to display in the Visible Columns field.

    In the Visible Columns field, you can use the up and down arrows to reorder the column names.

  7. Click OK.

Sorting the Columns in a Table

To sort the columns in a table:


The default sort order for any table is determined by the first column in the table.

  1. In the upper left of the table, click View and select Sort.
  2. Select Advanced Sort.
  3. In the Sort By field, select the column name by which to sort first, and then select either Ascending or Descending.
  4. In the Then By field, select the column name by which to sort second, and then select either Ascending or Descending.
  5. Click OK.

Reordering Columns in a Table

To reorder the columns in a table:

  1. In the upper left of the table, click View and select Reorder Columns.
  2. On the Reorder Columns dialog, use the up and down arrows to change the order of the columns.
  3. When you are done, click OK.


You can also move a column by clicking on the column heading and dragging it to a new location in the table.

Viewing a Table in Full-Screen Mode

To view the table full-screen:

To detach the table from its current page and view it on a page the size of your browser, click View above the table and select Detach.