Introduction to the SRM Platform

    Welcome to the Oracle SRM platform. This article gives you an overview of the SRM platform and how to learn more about each individual area and feature of the platform.

    What is SRM?

    SRM stands for Social Relationship Management and that's exactly what this platform does. The SRM platform is a web-based application that helps brands and marketers create and publish content to their social properties, and monitor, manage, and analyze the engagement with that content.

    The SRM platform groups all of our tools - Home, Listen & Analyze, Engage, Publish, Content & Apps, Workflow & Automation, and Social Station - under one website for access to our entire product suite.

    Throughout these articles:

    You will learn about the SRM platform interface, how to sign on, and how to navigate to different products.

    Basic Terminology

    Let's go over some terminology that you will see throughout these help articles. Many of these names or phrases will appear in other product help files, so it is important to know what they refer to.

    • SRM - Stands for Social Relationship Management, a platform that hosts the following products: Publish, Content & Apps, Listen & Analyze, Engage, and Workflow & Automation, and Social Station.

    • Home - The area of the platform where you can get updates on the product, release notes, helpful hints, basically anything you need to know. It's a good idea to check Home frequently to get the most up-to-date information on the platform.

    • Listen & Analyze - A tool that gives you an in-depth look into how users are interacting with your Facebook Pages, Views, Twitter streams, and Google+ pages. You can quickly and easily gauge how your content and brand is resonating with your influencers and communities and then take the actions needed to increase engagement, respond and make necessary adjustments.

    • Engage - A tool that helps you build stronger relationships through intelligent understanding of your social conversations and respond with appropriate action and engagement.

    • Publish - A powerful tool that allows you to schedule, moderate, manage and measure posts you create on your page or stream. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to create in-depth interaction with fans.

    • Content & Apps - A flexible tool that provides you a content management system for creating your own unique, branded pages you can host on any website. It has a huge range of capabilities, from creating a tab as simple as a calendar of upcoming events, to a locator page that directs a user to a page specifically for their zip code.

    • Workflow & Automation - The area of the SRM platform where you can organize and manage all aspects of your account, including users, social properties, and topics. You can also manage your social properties and users into organizational hierarchies with bundles and teams.

    • Social Station - Social Station is your home base for Custom Analytics and Social Intelligence Centers. Social Intelligence Centers allow you to showcase real-time social media content at your conferences and events, especially as a Command Center to visualize real time social media trends.

    • Facebook Page - Your brand or organization's home on Facebook. A Facebook Page has several tabs included by default, like the Wall and Info tabs.

    • Stream - Your Facebook Pages, Twitter accounts, and Google+ accounts are "streams" of content. Therefore the connection between Publish and your social properties is called a stream.

    • View — The content that Content & Apps will publish to an assigned tab on your Facebook Page or that you can embed on an external website.

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