Social Marketing Listen & Analyze Table of Contents

    If you need help with Listen & Analyze, read through these help articles. You can read through the entire series of articles or find the specific article that discusses the topic you'd like to know more about.

    These help articles are for the Oracle Social Marketing sections of Listen & Analyze.

      Introduction to Listen & Analyze

      • What is Listen & Analyze?
      • Basic Terminology

      The Resources Tab - Intro

      • Account Selector
      • Stream Selector
      • Categories
      • Category Help Guides
      • Download Pages as Reports

      The Resources Tab - Facebook Dashboard

      • Fans
      • Fan Demographics
      • External Referrers
      • Reach and Impressions
      • Engagement
      • Posts

      The Resources Tab - Facebook Fans


      • Fans by the Numbers
      • Fan Sources


      • Fan Map
      • Top Locations
      • Gender/Age Graph
      • Gender
      • Gender/Age Chart

      The Resources Tab - Facebook Engagement


      • Engagement: Stories, People Talking About This, Consumptions
      • Negative Feedback
      • Top Engaged Users
      • Referral Sources


      • Engagement Map
      • Locations/Languages
      • People Talking About This: Gender & Age
      • People Talking About This: Males by Age
      • People Talking About This: Females by Age

      The Resources Tab - Facebook Visibility


      • Impressions Main
      • Impressions by Story Type


      • Reach Main
      • Reach by Story Type

      Reach Demographics

      • Reach Locations
      • Locations/Languages
      • Gender & Age
      • Males Reached by Age
      • Females Reached by Age

      The Resources Tab - Facebook Posts


      • Posts Main
      • Content From
      • Top Posts

      All Posts

      • Post Info
      • Sorting


      • Post Insights
      • Post Frequency by Hour

      The Resources Tab - Facebook Post Drilldown

      • Post Summary
      • Post Stories
      • Post Consumptions
      • Post Impressions
      • Post Engagement
      • Post Negative Feedback
      • Comments
      • Likes

      The Resources Tab - Twitter


      • Followers
      • Tweet Insights
      • Top Tweets


      • Engagement
      • Engagement Rate
      • Retweets
      • Retweet Rate
      • Mentions
      • Mentions Rate
      • Workflow & Automation Clicks
      • Workflow & Automation Click Rate

      The Resources Tab - Google+

      • Follower Growth
      • Engagement Insights
      • Post Insights
      • Top Posts
      • Top Circles

      The Resources Tab - Content & Apps


      • Page Views
      • Page Views by Hour
      • Page Views by Source


      • Engagement Main Graph
      • Engagement Actions by Hour
      • Engagement Actions by Type

      The Resources Tab - YouTube Channel


      • Likes
      • Subscriptions
      • Demographics: Age/Gender
      • Demographics: Location
      • Most Engaged Videos

      The Resources Tab - YouTube Videos Section


      • Video Info
      • Sorting

      Video Drilldown Page

      • Video Details
      • Favorites
      • Likes/Dislikes
      • Views
      • Comments
      • Shares
      • Engagement Rate

      Custom Analytics

      • Create a Report
      • Adding Modules
      • Metric Options and Definitions
      • Drag and Drop

      The Social Campaigns Tab

      • What are tags in Workflow & Automation?
      • Viewing a Tag's Posts
      • Viewing Your Tags by Social Network

      Metrics Captured for Content & Apps Modules

      • List of each module and what metrics are captured for them

      Complete Metrics Definitions for Listen & Analyze: Resources

      • Complete list of the metrics in Listen & Analyze

      Complete Metrics Definitions for Custom Analytics

      • Facebook
      • Google+
      • Twitter
      • YouTube
      • LinkedIn
      • Tumblr

    Related Topics

    Social Engagement & Monitoring Listen & Analyze Table of Contents

    SRM Knowledge Base Home Page