14 Using Cloud Monitoring with Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper

This chapter explains how to add the multi-tier Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Enterprise Manager) monitoring control. Using Cloud Control with the single-tier Services Gatekeeper is not supported.

About Monitoring Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper Using Enterprise Manager

You use Enterprise Manager to monitor applications and their individual servers and services. Enterprise Manager is an Oracle product that you purchase, install, and configure separately.

You use Enterprise Manager to monitor applications and their individual servers and services. Enterprise Manager allows you to monitor a Services Gatekeeper implementation as a whole, and as a collection of Enterprise Manager targets that you can configure and monitor individually. Each target generally corresponds to a Services Gatekeeper server or process. For example, you can monitor the state of a Services Gatekeeper NT server and an SMS process running on that server separately.

You can use Enterprise Manager to monitor Services Gatekeeper, but not to configure or manage it.

You can use the Enterprise Manager to:

  • Monitor the running or stopped status of Services Gatekeeper.

  • Monitor the running or stopped status of each target (server or service) individually.

  • Retrieve and monitor statistics on the running Services Gatekeeper implementation.

  • Retrieve and monitor statistics for each of the targets within a Services Gatekeeper implementation.

  • Retrieve events and alarms.

See the discussion "about Enterprise Manager compatibility" in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide for the version of Oracle Enterprise Manager that Services Gatekeeper supports.

Integrating Enterprise Manager with Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper

See ”Integrating Services Gatekeeper with Enterprise Manager” in Services Gatekeeper Integration Guide for the following:

  • Details on the components that Enterprise Manager monitors.

  • Instructions on integrating Enterprise Manager with Services Gatekeeper

  • Information on how to sue the Enterprise Manager monitoring metrics.