3 Integrating Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper with Cloud Monitoring

This chapter explains how to add multi-tier Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Enterprise Manager) monitoring control. Integrating single-tier Services Gatekeeper with Enterprise Manager is not supported.

About Integrating Enterprise Manager

You use Enterprise Manager to monitor applications and their individual servers and services. Enterprise Manager is an Oracle product that you purchase, install, and configure separately.

This chapter assumes that you are installing a production system and that:

  • You have installed multi-tier Services Gatekeeper on its own system(s).

  • You have installed Enterprise Manager on a its own system. For details, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide and Oracle Enterprise Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide at the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Documentation web site:


  • You have installed the Enterprise Manager repository on its own system. For details, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide and Oracle Enterprise Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide at the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Documentation web site:


If you are not familiar with Oracle Enterprise Manager, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Getting Started Guide for an overview of the product and its features:


Using Enterprise Manager

You use Enterprise Manager to monitor your multi-tier Services Gatekeeper implementation components.

See "About Monitoring Services Gatekeeper Using Enterprise Manager" in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide for the list of Services Gatekeeper metrics that you can monitor using Enterprise Manager.

Understanding Plug-in Terminology

Enterprise Manager and Services Gatekeeper use different definitions of the term plug-in. The Services Gatekeeper documentation set and this chapter use plug-in to refer to a pre-packaged service that you can offer to your customers, such as SMS or terminal location. This chapter refers to the Services Gatekeeper plug-ins as simply plug-ins. An Enterprise Manager Cloud Control product plug-in is a collections of files that comprise a program that it monitors, such as Service Gatekeeper. This chapter refers to the files that Enterprise Manager uses to monitor Services Gatekeeper as the Oracle Enterprise Manager Services Gatekeeper plug-in.

About the Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper Components You Can Monitor

Enterprise Manager monitors these types of Services Gatekeeper targets within the Enterprise Manager OCSG (Services Gatekeeper) plug-in:

  • Basic domains: Enterprise Manager monitors the administration server and its network tier and application tier as a single AdminServer unit.

  • Typical domains: Enterprise Manager monitors all the servers on a typical Services Gatekeeper system as separate targets. If an administration server has two network tier servers, the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console displays a single AdminServer and two WLNG_NT_1 and WLNG_NT_2 servers as separate targets.

  • The host system operating system: Enterprise Manager monitors each host system operating system as a separate target.

  • The Enterprise Manager agent: Enterprise Manager puts an agent on each system it monitors. The agent ensures that each system is up and running.

  • Plug-in services: Enterprise Manager monitors the plug-in services listed in Table 3-1.

    Table 3-1 Services Gatekeeper Plug-in Services and Their Enterprise Manager Targets

    Services Gatekeeper Plug-in Name Enterprise Manager Target Name







































Adding Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper Support to Enterprise Manager

This section explains how to add Services Gatekeeper support to Enterprise Manager.

Installing the Services Gatekeeper Plug-in on Enterprise Manager

This section explains how to install the Enterprise Manager Services Gatekeeper plug-in on your Enterprise Manager system.

You must have the capability to transfer files between the Enterprise Manager system and the Services Gatekeeper system.

Installation Prerequisites

This chapter assumes that:

  • You have installed Services Gatekeeper on an its own system.

  • You have installed Enterprise Manager on its own system, and you have installed the Enterprise Manager repository on its own system. For details, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide and Oracle Enterprise Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide here:


You will need to provide the following information during installation:

  • Enterprise Manager system details:

    • The server name

    • The server IP address

    • An operating system login user name and password

    • The Enterprise Manager home directory location

    • The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console URL

    • An Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console user name and password

  • Enterprise Management Repository system:

    • The server IP address

    • The server operating system login user name and password

    • The database password

    • The database SYS user name and password

  • Services Gatekeeper system details. The Enterprise Manager documentation refers to this system as the target host:

    • The IP address

    • An operating system login and password

    • The WebLogic server user name and password

    • The WebLogic server port to use

You install the Enterprise Manager Services Gatekeeper plug-in by using the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. Enterprise Manager also has command-line options for the installation steps. For details about the command-line tools, see the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control documentation.

If you are new to Enterprise Manager and Oracle Management Service, see "Managing Plug-Ins" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for information about Enterprise Manager plug-ins and how to work with them.

Installing Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper On Enterprise Manager

To install the Enterprise Manager Services Gatekeeper plug-in:

  1. On the Enterprise Manager system, start the Enterprise Manager console.

    See "Logging in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console" for instructions.

  2. Create a named credential with the user name, password, and running privileges as superuser on the Enterprise Manager system. This user should also have superuser permissions on the Services Gatekeeper target host.

  3. Add the Services Gatekeeper system as a target host.

    See "Discovering, Promoting, and Adding Targets" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details.

  4. Deploy an Enterprise Manager agent to the Services Gatekeeper target host.

    See "Discovering, Promoting, and Adding Targets" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details.

  5. On your Services Gatekeeper system, navigate to Services_Gatekeeper_home/ocsg/cloud-control.

  6. Copy the .opar file from your Services Gatekeeper system to the Enterprise Manager system. These instructions assume that you put it in /tmp on the Enterprise Manager system, but that location is not mandatory.

    The actual name of your .opar file varies depending on the release of Services Gatekeeper, but it looks similar to this:

  7. On your Enterprise Manager system, navigate to the Enterprise Manager installation home directory and use the oms/bin/emcli command to import the .opar file into your Enterprise Manager implementation. If a cluster contains more than one host, install it on the administration host:

    cd enterprise_manager_home
    oms/bin/emcli import_update -file="/file_location/your_cloud_file.opar" -omslocal

    For example:

    cd /home/oracle/em2
    /oms/bin/emcli import_update -file="/tmp/ 2000_0.opar" -omslocal


    Do not import a given version of an.opar file more than once.
  8. If the following error appears:

    Error: Session expired. Run emcli login to establish a session.

    Log in with this command:

    oms/bin/emcli login -username=username
        (You are prompted for the password)
  9. Deploy the Services Gatekeeper Enterprise Manager plug-in on the Enterprise Manager system (Oracle Management Service server).

    See "Deploying Plug-Ins to Oracle Management Service (Reduce OMS Restart time and Downtime)" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details on deploying the Services Gatekeeper Enterprise Manager plug-in.

  10. Deploy the Enterprise Manager agents on the Services Gatekeeper management agents.

    If the system contains more than one Services Gatekeeper server, only deploy the plug-in to the administration server.

    See "Deploying Plug-Ins to Oracle Management Service (Reduce OMS Restart time and Downtime)" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details on deploying the Services Gatekeeper Enterprise Manager plug-in.

  11. Specify the Services Gatekeeper components to monitor as targets. See "Monitoring Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper Targets from Enterprise Manager Console" for a list of the Services Gatekeeper components that you can monitor as targets.

    See "Discovering, Promoting and Adding Targets" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details on how to add components as targets.

  12. Set up the Enterprise Manager Management Repository.

    See Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation and Configuration Guide and Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details about monitoring.

Next see "Monitoring Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper Targets from Enterprise Manager Console" for instructions on how to set up the Services Gatekeeper components to monitor.

Monitoring Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper Targets from Enterprise Manager Console

Each Services Gatekeeper implementation that you monitor has a root of OCSG in the Target Navigation window of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. The other Services Gatekeeper targets are subordinate to the root, and you can select them using the Target Navigation tools.

You can select the OCSG root, or any of the targets in the target menu. When you select a target, its status and any incidents caught during processing are displayed in the lower right pane.

Each target can also contain other targets. For example, a domain might contain a MultimediaMesg administration service server and several NT servers. A target is marked as available and running if at least one of a its plug-in services and one of its servers are running. Otherwise, the target is marked as unavailable.

See "Maintaining Enterprise Manager" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for details about what is displayed in the Enterprise Manager console.

About Using Enterprise Manager Monitoring Metrics

Enterprise Manager includes a comprehensive set of performance and system health metrics that you use to monitor the components of your Services Gatekeeper implementation. Each metric is a collection of statistics that Enterprise Manager monitors for each target. If the target has multiple servers, You can view Enterprise Manager statistics individual servers, or aggregated statistics for all servers. You can check Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console as it gathers data, or you can direct it to generate metrics reports.

By default, the Services Gatekeeper metrics are aggregated. For example, all NT server metrics are aggregated, although you can also view them singly.

Enterprise Manager enables you to set metric thresholds that trigger metric alerts (events). The default alert levels are Warning and Critical. You can set these thresholds to meet your business requirements, and implement automatic corrective action to resolve the issues.

You will probably want to coordinate your monitoring thresholds with your SLA limits. For example you may want to be alerted with a Warning when a partner has exceeded 90% of a resource allocation, and a Critical message when they reach the limit. You could then alert them to that fact to avoid bill shock. It would also provide you with an opportunity to contact with an offer to sell the additional resources.


The metric monitoring collection period is 5 minutes. It is important that you do not change this setting.

See "Overview of Enterprise Monitoring" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for an introduction to the metrics and metric templates.

You can also create your own metrics for your Services Gatekeeper implementation. See "Using Metric Extensions" for information and instructions about creating and modifying metrics to monitor.

After you configure the metrics for your business needs, you can specify them as metric templates and deploy them to the various components of your Services Gatekeeper implementation. This also enables you to quickly deploy the metrics as you add servers to your implementation.

For information about using metric templates, see "Monitoring: Advanced Setup" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.