2 Integrating Services Gatekeeper with BRM

This chapter explains how to integrate an Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper implementation with the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM). BRM is a product the you use to charge and rate for services. Integrating with BRM requires that you also obtain and configure the Oracle Communications Online Mediation Controller product.

Overview of Integrating Services Gatekeeper with Billing and Revenue Management

BRM is an end-to-end revenue management system for communications and media service providers. You use it to generate, capture, collect and analyze revenue for your applications.

This section assumes that you have:

  • Used the instructions in Services Gatekeeper Getting Started Guide or Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide to install Services Gatekeeper and start the administration server.

  • Followed the instructions in the Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide and installed the Oracle Communications Service Broker product which also contains the Online Mediation Controller product.

  • Followed the instructions in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Installation Guide and installed and started the BRM product.

  • That you know the IP addresses and system names of the servers that Services Gatekeeper and BRM are running on.

The tasks required to add BRM as a billing system to Services Gatekeeper include:

Configuring Online Mediation Controller to Integrate with BRM

To configure Online Mediation Controller to work with BRM:

  1. Configure the signaling server unit (SSU) Diameter:

    • Add a relay route to the Services Gatekeeper system.

    • Add Services Gatekeeper as a Diameter Peer.

    For instructions, see Oracle Communications Online Mediation Controller Signaling Server Units Configuration Guide.

  2. Configure the SSU PCP (Portal Communications Protocol) to connect Service Broker to BRM.

    For instructions, see the section on configuring a PCP signaling server unit in Oracle Communications Service Broker Signaling Server Units Configuration Guide. Also see the section about setting up orchestrated charging mediation in Oracle Communications Online Medication Controller Implementation Guide.

  3. Configure an IM-OCF PCP to connect Online Medication Controller to Service Broker.

    For information, see the section about setting up IM-OCF PCP in Oracle Communications Service Broker Modules Configuration Guide.

Configuring Services Gatekeeper to Integrate with BRM

This section explains how to configure Services Gatekeeper to communicate with the BRM implementation.

To configure Services Gatekeeper to communicate with BRM:

  1. Open the Services Gatekeeper Administration Console or another MBean browser.

  2. Configure the Diameter MBean:

    • Origin-Host: Gatekeeper_IP_Address

    • Origin-Realm: ro.server.oracle.com

    • Service-Context-Id: Gatekeeper_context_address

      For example:

      Service-Context-Id: SCP-NBI.208.01.S2F0@company.com
  3. Configure an SLA by navigating to Accounting Service, then ServiceLevelAgreementMBean, then setupCustomSlaXSDDefinition.

  4. Set SlaType: to payment_diameter_avp.

  5. Set FileContent:. Copy the contents of Middleware_home/ocsg_release_level/applications/wlng_nt_payment_px30.ear/plugin_px30_payment_diameter.jar/xsd/paymentConifg.xsd to this field.

  6. Open this file for editing: Middleware_home/ocsg_release_level/applications/wlng_nt_payment_px30.ear/plugin_px30_payment_diameter.jar/xml/defaultavptemplate.xml

  7. Add a Service-Identifier AVP to defaultavptemplate.xml. For example:

    <avpValue avpName="Service-Identifier" defaultValue="3" />
  8. Remove these AVPs from the defaultavptemplate.xml file:

    • OCSG-application-Id

    • Event-Timestamp

    • OCSG_Reference-Code

  9. Save and close defaultavptemplate.xml.

  10. In the Administration Console, navigate to domain_home/ocsg/AdminServer, then Accounting Service, then ServiceLevelAgreementMBean, then loadGlobalSlaByType.

  11. Set these fields in the MBean:

    • SlaType: payment_diameter_avp

    • FileContent: (copy the contents of the defaultavptemplate.xml file from Step 8 here.

    • Service-Identifier:

      • Time(CC-TIME): 0

      • OCTET(CC-OCTEC): 4

      • User-Defined(CC-Specific-Units): 3

Configuring BRM to Integrate with Services Gatekeeper

To configure BRM to communicate with Services Gatekeeper:

  1. Start Pricing Center.

  2. Set Host: to the Services Gatekeeper administration server hostname.

  3. Set Cm_port: to the Services Gatekeeper administration server port number.

  4. Set Account tel: to the Services Gatekeeper telephone number.