15 Adding RESTful Audio Call Support

This chapter describes the operations in the Audio Call interface of the RESTful facade provided in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

About the Audio Call Interface

Applications use the RESTful Audio Call interface to translate a text file or voice XML file to an audio speech file from an independent location and send it to a terminal.

REST Service Descriptions Available at Run-time

When the Administration Server for your Services Gatekeeper domain is in the running state, the REST service descriptions of these operations can be found at


where host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

Play Audio Message

The Play Audio Message operation sends an audio file (such as .WAV) to a single terminal. If the request contains more than one URI, the operation will fail.

To play the audio message at a specific terminal, provide the address of the terminal that is to receive the message, the URL of the audio (.wav) file, and, optionally, the information for billing the call. In effect, this is a request to set up a call to the user (the terminal) and play the audio file.

The call to play the audio file at the terminal is done asynchronously and can be monitored by retrieving its status. If the Play Audio Message operation is successful, the response body will contain the call identifier for the call when the audio file is played at the terminal. Use this call identifier to check on the request status.



HTTP Method




where host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

The request body for the Play Audio Message operation accepts the following parameters:

  • address: String. Required. The SIP-formatted URI of the party who must receive the audio message.

  • audioUrl: String. Required. The URI of the audio file that is to be played.

  • charging: a JSON object. Optional. This object defines the cost charging properties for the call. A call with no charging parameters can be entered as "charging": null. If a charge is to be applied, provide values for the following in the charging object:

    • description: String. Required if the charging object is present in the body of the request. The text to be used for information and billing.

    • amount: Number (integer, or decimal). Optional. The amount to be charged.

    • code: String. Optional. The charging code, from an existing contractual description.

    • currency: String. Optional. The currency identifier as defined in ISO 4217 [9].

The request body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

  "address": "URI",
  "audioUrl": "URI",
  "charging": {
    "description": "String",
    "amount": "BigDecimal",
    "code": "String",
    "currency": "String"

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Understanding RESTful Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

The call identifier for the call when the audio file is played at the terminal is returned in the body of the response as the value of the result attribute.

The response body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of the name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"result": "String"}


Example 15-1 Play Audio Message Request

GET /rest/audio_call/audiocalls HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app:65671150306510708
Authorization: Basic YxBwXzFfdToxMjM0NTY3oA=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Content-Length: 125
Content-Type: application/json

        "description":"Message for Alice",

Example 15-2 Play Audio Message Response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 02:03:09 GMT
Content-Length: 95
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


Play Text Message

The Play Text Message operation sends a text message to a single terminal where it is converted to speech for the recipient. The text is read through a text to speech engine and based on a specified format. If the request contains more than one URI, the operation will fail.

To play the text message at a specific terminal, provide the address of the terminal that is to receive the message, the text message and its language format, and, optionally, the information for billing the call. In effect, this is a request to set up a call to the user (the terminal) and play the text file.

The call to play the text message at the terminal is done asynchronously and can be monitored by retrieving its status. If the Play Text Message operation is successful, the response body will contain the call identifier for the call that is to play the text message at the terminal. Use this call identifier to check on the request status.



HTTP Method




where host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

The request body for the Play Audio Message operation accepts the following parameters:

  • address: String. Required. The SIP-formatted URI of the party who must receive the text message.

  • text: String. Required. The text to be read as text-to-speech (the "voice" structure in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) format.

  • language: String. Required. The language in which the message is to be played, using ISO 639 format.

  • charging. a JSON object. Optional. This object defines the cost charging properties for the call. A call with no charging parameters can be entered as "charging": null. If a charge is to be applied, provide values for the following in the charging object:

    • description: String. Required if the charging object is present in the body of the request. The text to be used for information and billing.

    • amount. Number (integer, or decimal). Optional. The amount to be charged.

    • code: String. Optional. The charging code, from an existing contractual description.

    • currency: String. Optional. The currency identifier as defined in ISO 4217 [9].

The request body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

  "address": "URI",
  "language": "String",
  "text": "String",
  "charging": {
    "description": "String",
    "amount": "BigDecimal",
    "code": "String",
    "currency": "String"

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Understanding RESTful Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

The call identifier for the actual call when the text-to-speech file is played at the terminal is returned in the body of the response as the value of the result attribute.

The response body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of the name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"result": "String"}


Example 15-3 Play Text Message Request

GET /rest/audio_call/textcalls HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app:65671150306510708
Authorization: Basic YxBwXzFfdToxMjM0NTY3oA=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Content-Length: 125
Content-Type: application/json

  "text":"string in SSML format",
        "description":"Message for Alice",

Example 15-4 Play Text Message Response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 02:03:09 GMT
Content-Length: 95
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


Play VoiceXML Message

The Play VoiceXML Message operation sets up a request to send specified VoiceXML content located at a specific voice URL to a single terminal. If the request contains more than one URI, the operation will fail.

To play the voice XML message at a specific terminal, provide the address of the terminal that is to receive the message, the location of the VoiceXML file, and, optionally, the information for billing the call. In effect, this is a request to set up a call to the user (the terminal) and play the text message in the VoiceXML file.

The call to play the VoiceXML message at the terminal is done asynchronously and can be monitored by retrieving its status. If the Play VoiceXML Message operation is successful, the response body will contain the call identifier for the actual call that is to play the message at the terminal. Use this call identifier to check on the request status.



HTTP Method




where host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

The request body for the Play Audio Message operation accepts the following parameters:

  • address: String. Required. The SIP-formatted URI of the party who must receive the text message.

  • voiceXmlUrl: String. Required. The location of the VoiceXML file.

  • charging. a JSON object. Optional. This object defines the cost charging properties for the call. A call with no charging parameters can be entered as "charging": null. If a charge is to be applied, provide values for the following in the charging object:

    • description: String. Required if the charging object is present in the body of the request. The text to be used for information and billing.

    • amount: Number (integer, or decimal). Optional. The amount to be charged.

    • code: String. Optional. The charging code, from an existing contractual description.

    • currency: String. Optional. The currency identifier as defined in ISO 4217 [9].

The request body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

  "address": "URI",
  "voiceXmlUrl": "URI",
  "charging": {
    "description": "String",
    "amount": "BigDecimal",
    "code": "String",
    "currency": "String"

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Understanding RESTful Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

The call identifier for the actual call when the VoiceXML is played at the terminal is returned in the body of the response as the value of the result attribute.

The response body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of the name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"result": "String"}


Example 15-5 Play VoiceXML Message Request

GET /rest/audio_call/voicexmlcalls HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app:65671150306510708
Authorization: Basic YxBwXzFfdToxMjM0NTY3oA=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Content-Length: 125
Content-Type: application/json

        "description":"Message for Alice",

Example 15-6 Play VoiceXML Message Response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 02:03:09 GMT
Content-Length: 95
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


Get Message Status

The Get Message Status operation retrieves the status of a previously set up request, which in this case is the status of an audio file bound for a single terminal.

To retrieve the status of the audio file, provide the appropriate correlator. This correlator is the string value of the result attribute from the response body for the appropriate Play (Audio/Text/VoiceXML) Message operation.

If the Get Message Status operation is successful, the response body contains a JSON data object indicating whether the audio file is pending, playing, has played or an error has occurred.



HTTP Method





  • host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

  • ${getMessageStatus} contains the call identifier from the response body for the appropriate Play (Audio/Text/VoiceXML) Message operation as the string value for the correlator attribute.

The ${getMessageStatus} object in the URI is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"correlator": "String"}

Request Header

The MIME-type for the Content-Type header field is application/json.

Request Body

There is no request body.

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Understanding RESTful Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

The status of the specific audio file is returned in the body of the response as the value of the result attribute:

  • Played

  • Playing

  • Pending

  • Error

The response body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of the name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"result": "Played|Playing|Pending|Error"}


Example 15-7 Get Message Status Request

GET /rest/audio_call/call?getMessageStatus=%7B%22correlator%22%3A%22app-
host%7c-40d94a935cd12af0 HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app:6567114150306510708
Authorization: Basic YXBwXzFfdToxMjM0NTY30A=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0

Example 15-8 Get Message Status Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2101 02:18:18 GMT
Content-Length: 19
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


End Message

The End Message operation terminates an application's previously set up request to play the specified audio file.

To stop a previously set up request to play an audio file, provide the appropriate correlator. This correlator is the string value of the result attribute from the response body for the appropriate Play (Audio/Text/VoiceXML) Message operation.



HTTP Method





  • host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

  • endMessage contains the call identifier from the response body for the appropriate Play (Audio/Text/VoiceXML) Message operation as the string value for the correlator attribute.

    The ${endMessage} object in the URI is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of each name/value pair indicates its data type:

    {"correlator": "String"}

Request Body

There is no request body.

Response Header

Standard header fields. If the request fails, the Status-Line header field will contain the status code and the reason for the failure. See "Understanding RESTful Errors and Exceptions".

Response Body

The response body contains a data object with the current status of the audio file as the value of the result attribute. The value can be one of the following:

  • Played

  • Playing

  • Pending

  • Error

The response body for this operation is represented by the following JSON data structure, where the value part of the name/value pair indicates its data type:

{"result": "Played|Playing|Pending|Error"}


Example 15-9 End Message Request

DELETE /rest/audio_call/end-call?endMessage=%7B%22correlator%22%3A%22app-
host%7c-40d94a935cd12af0%22%7D HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app:6567114150306510708
Authorization: Basic YXBwXzFfdToxMjM0NTY30A=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0

Example 15-10 End Message Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
DATE: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 02:31:31 GMT
Content-Length: 20
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1
