4 Extending Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper

This chapter explains how to extend and update the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper functionality.

About Extending Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper

Both Services Gatekeeper and multi-tier Services Gatekeeper use the Partner Relationship Management (PRM) portals for API management, including creating APIs and application subscriptions that you offer to your customers. You use the PRM portals to expose new services, service features, and network capabilities to your customers. These APIs can include the default Services Gatekeeper communication services.

Multi-tier Services Gatekeeper also offers the alternatives for extending Services Gatekeeper called the Platform Development Studio. You can use the Platform Development Studio to:

  • Create new Oauth extension handlers

  • Create custom Platform Test Environment (PTE) modules

  • Create a Web services API exposure

  • Add new network plug-ins that can work with existing application-facing interfaces

  • Add new types of application-facing-interfaces (facades) for existing network plug-ins

  • Add new interceptors or reorder interceptors

  • Use EDR listeners and SNMP MIBs to integrate with the existing network mechanisms

Even if you primarily use the PRM portals for these tasks, you will also find the Platform Development Studio examples and information helpful to understand Services Gatekeeper components.

About the Platform Development Studio

The Platform Development Studio contains the tools that you use to extend Services Gatekeeper. The Platform Development Studio is installed automatically when you install a multi-tier Services Gatekeeper. See Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide and Services Gatekeeper Extension Developer's Guide for details. Development Studio includes the following features:

  • A detailed guide covering how to:

    • Use the Platform Development Studio wizard to generate an extension project

    • Understand the example communication service

    • Use Service Gatekeeper container services

    • Create Subscriber SLAs for subscriber-based policy

    • Update EDR filters and add JMS-based listeners

    • Reorder the interceptor stack or create new interceptors

  • Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment User's Guide

    A detailed guide covering how to:

    • Load the Platform Test Environment (PTE)

      • In standalone mode, with a Java Swing-based GUI

      • In console mode, particularly for use with the Unit Test Framework

    • Run the application service clients

    • Use the network simulators

    • Utilize the utilities such as the MBean browser and the JMS-based EDR listeners

    • Understand the example module and extend the PTE

  • An example communication service, including:

    • Source code

    • WSDL files

    • Build files

    • Example unit test

    • Example Subscriber SLA and profile provider

  • The Platform Development Studio wizard

    Developers supply information to an Eclipse plug-in wizard, which automatically sets up an extension project. This project can include a substantial amount of generated code, such as:

    • The entire Access Tier, with the Web service implementation and any callback modules (EJBs) that are necessary


      The Platform Development Studio wizard supports building communication services based only on Web services application-facing interfaces. Both SOAP and RESTful facade types are supported.
    • Most of the code for the common services in the Network Tier

    • A framework of the code required for the network plug-in layer of the Network Tier

  • Instructions for creating Virtual Communication Services to use with the PTE and ATE

  • The Platform Development Studio Communications Service wizard

  • A complete Javadoc reference

  • Specialized templates and Ant tasks

  • The Unit Test Framework, providing:

    • A base test class, derived from JUnit

    • Mechanisms for connecting to the Platform Test Environment

    • An example unit test bundled with the communication service example

  • The Profile Provider service provider interface, which enables you to create subscriber-centric policy, associating subscribers with service provider and application groups based on individualized subscriber preferences and permissions.