11 Installing the Application Test Environment

This chapter explains how to install the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Application Test Environment (ATE), which is a graphical user interface tool for testing Services Gatekeeper applications.

For more information about ATE, see "Understanding the Application Test Environment" in Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

Overview of Installing Services Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

You download and install the ATE separately from other Services Gatekeeper software. You do not need to install Services Gatekeeper to install and run the ATE.

The procedure for installing Services Gatekeeper ATE follows these steps:

  1. Set your environment variables to point to the JRE.

  2. Install Services Gatekeeper ATE.

For information on how to use the features in ATE, see "Testing Applications with the Application Test Environment" in Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

ATE System Requirements

The ATE is supported on the following operating systems:

  • Windows 7

  • Red Hat Linux, Version 6

  • Mac OS X 10.6

The ATE requires JDK 1.8 or higher, plus the latest security updates.

Setting Your Environment Variables for ATE

Install JRE on your system and set your environment variables.

To set up your system for ATE installation:

  1. If a JDK is not already installed on your system, install it. See "ATE System Requirements" for the supported JDK versions.

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JRE bin directory.

  3. Add the JRE bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

Installing the ATE in GUI Mode

This section describes how to install the ATE in GUI mode.


Services Gatekeeper ATE requires administrator access if you are installing it on a Windows-based host system.

To install the ATE in GUI mode:

  1. Download the ATE installer from the Oracle software delivery website:


  2. Open a command window on the system where you are installing the ATE.

  3. From the directory where you downloaded the ATE package, do one of the following:

    • To start the installer on Windows or Linux, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk_generic.jar
    • To start the installer on Mac OS X, enter:

      java -Dos.name=unix -jar ocsg_sdk_generic.jar

    After you start the installer, the Welcome screen appears.

  4. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  5. In the Oracle Home field, enter the full path to your Middleware home directory or use the Browse button to locate the directory.

    The Middleware home directory is the central directory for all Oracle products installed on the target system, such as WebLogic Server, Services Gatekeeper, and Services Gatekeeper ATE.

    To see a list of Oracle products that are currently installed in the directory, click View.

  6. Click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  7. Click Next.

    The Prerequisite Checks screen appears.

  8. The screen automatically tests your system to ensure that it meets all operating system and JDK software requirements:

    • A green check mark indicates that your system passed the prerequisite check.

    • A red circle indicates a problem. The bottom of the screen shows a short error message to help you troubleshoot the problem. Fix the error and click Rerun to perform the prerequisite checks again. To continue the installation without fixing the problem, click Skip.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  10. Ensure that the listed installation location and feature sets to install are correct.

    If the list is not correct, you can use the Back button to make corrections.

    To save the information to a response file so you can install the component later, click Save Response File and specify the name and location of the response file.

  11. Click Install to start the installation.

    The Installation Progress screen appears, and a progress bar indicates the status of the installation process.

  12. Click Next.

  13. When the Installation Complete screen appears, click Finish.

    The installer exits.

Installing the ATE in Silent Mode

This section describes how to install the ATE in silent mode on all platforms.

Use silent mode for installing duplicate installations on multiple machines. You do this by creating and using the response.rsp configuration file, and then specifying it as a parameter during a silent mode installation. When silent mode is used, the installation program does not display any options during the installation process.

To install the ATE in silent mode:

  1. Log in to the target system.

  2. Download the Services Gatekeeper ATE installer from the Oracle software delivery website:


  3. Create a response.rsp file in a text editor.

  4. Add the following contents to the file:

    Response File Version=
    #The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home
    #Set this variable value to the Installation Type selected. For example, ATE.
  5. Save the file in the directory where you downloaded the ATE package.

  6. From the directory where you downloaded the ATE package, enter:

    java -jar ocsg_sdk_generic.jar -silent -responseFile ResponseFile

    where ResponseFile is the full path and name of the Response File. For example, /home/use/bin/response.rsp.

The installation proceeds with no prompts.

Where to Go from Here

Perform the tasks described in "Services Gatekeeper Post-Installation Tasks".