Activation Preferences Page

Use the Activation Preferences page to define preferences specific to Design Studio for ASAP.

Field Use
Allow NE Template Deployment Select to generate artifacts for NE templates and package them in the SAR file. You must enable this option for NE Templates to appear as an available option in the Activation Project editor Packaging tab.
Service Model Package Format Specify how the XML files are generated when the activation cartridge project is built. Select one of the following:
  • Single file per type to package all of the service actions into the cartridgeBuild/ServiceModel/CommonService.xml file and to package all of the atomic actions into the cartridgeBuild/ServiceModel/AtomicService.xml file.

  • Single file per instance to create separate XML files for each of the atomic actions and service actions in the cartridgeBuild/model directory.

Complex Type Delimiter Enter the character to use to separate the parent and child elements of a scalars run-time type parameter. Use a:
  • period (.)

  • hyphen (-)

  • underscore (_)

See "Grouping Scalar Parameters using Structured Elements" for more information about scalars parameters.

Allow CSDL Label Overwrite Select to overwrite the CSDL labels (the Service Action Label field) for data schema elements. The Service Action Label field is available on the Activation tab of the data schema element.

By default, this option is not enabled and the Service Action Label field is read-only and contains the same value as the Atomic Action Label field.

CSDL Primitive Type Merge Diagnostic Level Specify the diagnostic level to use when Design Studio is unable to resolve a primitive type merge for data elements.

For example, if two or more atomic actions are using the same data element name with a different type, and both are contributing to a single CSDL, Design Studio attempts to resolve the primitive type merge for the data element in the CSDL. If Design Studio is unable to resolve the merge type, it diagnoses the issue as either an error or a warning.

Do one of the following:

  • Select Error.

  • Select Warning.

The diagnostic message is displayed in Design Studio Problems view.

Index Parameters Default Suffix When working with indexed type parameters, do one of the following:
  • Disable this option to use the CSDL label suffix that is defined in the Project editor Locations tab Indexed Parameter Identification Token field.

  • Enable this option to define the CSDL label suffix as ++ (No Brackets) in the generated ASDL.xml file, for all projects in the workspace. When this option is enabled, Design Studio ignores the value defined in the Project editor Locations Tab Indexed Parameter Identification Token field.

Related Topics

Defining Design Studio for Activation Preferences

Defining Preferences

Activation Project Editor Locations Tab