Activation Project Editor

Use the Activation Project editor to configure the cartridge project specifications and parameters. In the Studio Projects view, double-click the Project entity to open the Activation Project editor.


  • Network elements and environments for ASAP are not defined in Activation cartridge projects.

  • Activation cartridge projects are also Java projects (built on functionality of Java project). Java development can be done inside Activation cartridge projects; you do not need a separate Java project for development.

  • Eclipse online documentation for Java projects (including configurations, properties, and settings) also applies to the Java configuration of an Activation cartridge project. See Eclipse online documentation when setting up a cartridge project.

See the following topics:

Activation Project Editor Blueprint Tab

Use the Blueprint tab to view the generated documentation of the project, including cartridge project properties, service actions, atomic actions, action processors, connection handlers, and network element configuration (for network cartridge projects) or service configuration (for service cartridge projects). This tab is read only.

Related Topics

Activation Project Editor

About Activation Network Cartridge Projects

About Activation Service Cartridge Projects

Activation Project Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to configure cartridge project properties and network element details. See "Project Editor Properties Tab" for more information about fields in this tab that are not specific to ASAP.


In Activation, the Default field is not applicable.
Field Use
Cartridge Type Displays the cartridge project type (Activation Service Cartridge or Activation Network Cartridge) selected on the New Studio Activation Cartridge Project wizard.
Vendor, Technology, and Software Load Displays as specified in the New Studio Activation Cartridge Project wizard. In case of a new network element version you can change the vendor, technology, and software load. This allows you to reuse the cartridge project.
Supported Hardware Models Specify which network elements the cartridge supports.

Related Topics

Activation Project Editor

About Activation Network Cartridge Projects

About Activation Service Cartridge Projects

Activation Project Editor Cartridge Layout Tab

Use the Cartridge Layout tab to generate a framework model for a network or service cartridge project.

For Activation Network cartridge projects, this tab enables you to generate a framework model, which creates a service action, atomic action and an action processor for any combination of action and entity and creates the appropriate association for the three elements in a 1:1:1 relationship.

For Activation Service cartridge projects, this tab enables you to generate service actions. You can create a service model that is appropriate for a specific customer.

Field Use
Add Click to add action names and description in the cartridge project. For example, ADD, MOD, DEL, or QUERY.
Remove Click to clear action names and description from the cartridge project.
Add Click to add entities, which are related to actions, and their description in the cartridge project. For example, SUBSCRIBER, GSM-SUBSCRIBER, ROUTE, TRUNK, or LINE.
Remove Click to clear entities from the cartridge project.
Generate Cartridge Click to generate a framework model for a network or service cartridge project. The framework model is based on a combination of actions and entities. See "Generating Framework Models" for more information about framework models.

Related Topics

Activation Project Editor

About Activation Network Cartridge Projects

About Activation Service Cartridge Projects

Activation Project Editor Locations Tab

Use the Locations tab to define default naming and code generation values and to verify or change project directory locations.


  • If you change the ASAP version in the Locations tab to a version different than the version you selected during cartridge project creation, you must also update all dependent JAR files, such as asaplibcommon.jar, JInterp.jar, Studio_2_6_0.jar, and any other related JAR files. These files are required when the cartridge project depends on third-party libraries. Additionally, you must delete any generated code. Lastly, you must perform a clean and full build to regenerate the code.

  • Design Studio uses the default implementation package name as a prefix for generated code. Oracle recommends that you accept defaults and follow recommended naming conventions for all entities that you create.

Field Use
Project Directories area Displays the project directory locations. You can edit these locations, as necessary.
Default Naming area Displays the default name of the generated SAR file. You can edit this name, as necessary.
Code Generation area Enter the following information:
  • In the Indexed Parameter Identification Token field, identify the CSDL label suffix pattern for indexed type parameters.

    Design Studio ignores this setting if you enable the Index Parameters Default Suffix option on the Activation Preferences page. See "Activation Preferences Page" for more information.

  • In the Indexed Parameter Delimiter field, enter the character that Design Studio uses to separate indexed parameters when generating code.

  • In the Compound Parameter Identification Token field, define the logic that Design Studio generates to read the compound parameters format.

Related Topics

Activation Project Editor

About Service Action, Atomic Action, and Action Processor Relationships

Activation Project Editor Testing Tab

Use the Testing tab to view ASAP test cases that you created for your projects and run them individually or simultaneously.

Field Use
Environment Select a run-time environment that has configuration for an ASAP environment.
Include all from Project Select to include all test case entities.
Entity Displays activation test case entities.
Status Displays the status of a work order.
Run All Click to execute all test cases one by one in the run-time environment.
Separate Console for each Test Case Select to open a different console window for each test case in a run-time environment.
Select Click to add a test case entity from the project.
Open Click to open a specific test case entity.
Remove Click to clear a specific test case entity from the Testing tab.
Run Click to execute a specific test case.

Related Topics

Activation Project Editor

About Activation Network Cartridge Projects

About Activation Service Cartridge Projects

Activation Project Editor Command Structure Tab

Use the Command Structure tab to define the default CLI request structure for CLI action processors in the Request tab. Except for the Command Auto-Parsing check box, the fields in the following table can take one of the values described in the subsequent table:

Field Use
Command Auto-Parsing Select to enable automatic parsing of the CLI commands you enter for all new action processors. If not selected, you must manually parse the commands.
Header Body Separator Defines the separator between the header and the rest of the CLI command.
Parameter Separator Defines the separator between parameters.
Parameter Name-Value Separator Defines the separator between a parameter and its value.
Compound Parameter Encloser Defines the separator that encloses compound parameters.
Compound Parameter Index Separator Defines the separator between members of a compound parameter.
Command Tail Defines the character at the end of the CLI command.
End of Command Control Character Defines the command control character or string at the end of the CLI command: for example, a carriage return or a line-feed character.

The following table describes the field values in the Command Structure tab.

Value Use
NONE Select if the CLI command does not use the element.
: COLON Select if the element should be a colon.
, COMMA Select if the element should be a comma.
. DOT Select if the element should be a period.
= EQUAL Select if the element should be the equals sign.
; SEMI_COLON Select if the element should be a semicolon.
SPACE Select if the element should be a space.
CARRIAGE Select if the element should be a carriage return.
NEW LINE Select if the element should be a new line.
Ctrl+C Select if the element should be the Ctrl+C key combination.
OTHER Select if the element requires one or more characters not specified in this list. When selected, a field appears next to the list in which you enter one or more special characters. For example, if the End of Command Control Character is the word COMMIT, you could specify this using the OTHER option.

Related Topics

Activation Project Editor

About Activation Network Cartridge Projects

About Activation Service Cartridge Projects