Data Schema Editor Activation Tab

Use the Activation tab to associate data elements in the Data Dictionary to ASAP run-time type parameters.

The ASAP run-time type parameter values can be configured only at the root-level data elements Scalar, Compound, XML, and XPath.

Field Use
Compound Member Label Displays the same name as the data element. You can use the compound member in the code generated Java Action Processors (of the Java code) to access the members of the compound parameter. To rename the compound member, select Rename from the Data Schema editor context menu. See "About the Data Schema Editor Context Menu" for more information.
Runtime Type Select any one of the following run-time type parameters in order to associate a data element to an ASAP parameter:

Note: The specified type will be applied each time the data element is used on the Parameters tab of the Atomic Action editor.

  • SCALAR: Conventional name-value pair parameters for simple data elements.

  • SCALARS: Applicable to root-level of structured data elements. The leaf (child) elements become conventional name-value pair parameters.

  • COMPOUND: Contains structures or arrays of information that are represented by a particular structure name or compound parameter name.

  • XML: Used as values for both information parameters and extended work order properties.

  • XPATH: Defines an XPath expression into XML data.

Depending on the run-time type parameter, the labels in this tab are visible. See ASAP Developer's Guide for more information on parameter types.

Atomic Action Label Specify a unique name for the run-time type parameter in the atomic action. The default name is the name of the data element.
Service Action Label Displays the name of the parameter in a service action. The name is unique and is the same as the data element name.
Indexed Select the check box if you want to index the run-time type parameter.
Data Restrictions Specify the description of the run-time type parameter that has any restriction on the value of the parameter.
Dependent XML Displays the path of the XML that defines the parameter. This field is available only for the XPATH run-time type parameter.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor

Data Schema Editor