Atomic Action Editor

Use the Atomic Action editor to define activation run-time type parameters, define a routing type, and map the atomic action to one or more action processors.

For atomic actions generated by Design Studio from CTM Templates for IP Service Activator, see "IP Service Activator Atomic Action Editor".

You can create the Atomic Action editor using the Atomic Action Wizard. In the Studio Projects view, double-click an atomic action entity to open the editor.

See the following topics:

Atomic Action Editor Parameters Tab

Use the Parameters tab to add data elements from the Data Dictionary and configure values to the ASAP run-time type parameters.


In Activation, the Enumeration, Tags, and Usage tabs are not applicable.

When working with the Parameters tab, see the following topics:

Atomic Action Editor Parameters Area

Use the Atomic Action editor Parameters area to add required data elements from the Data Dictionary to the atomic action entity. You can view a hierarchical representation of the data elements.

You can modify data dictionary elements that you have imported into the Atomic Action editor without changing the default parameter values in other atomic actions that use the same data dictionary element. Do not modify data dictionary elements from within the data dictionary unless you want to make the change globally across all atomic actions that use the parameter.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor

About the Atomic Action Editor Context Menu

Modeling Activation Cartridge Project Data

Defining Atomic Action Properties

Details Tab

Use the Details tab to edit the data element display name and define specific constraint values. When you select a data element in the Parameters area, the details for the selected data element appear in the Parameter Details area.

Field Use
Select (Optional) Select a data element that exists in the Data Dictionary, in case you want the selected parameter, in the Parameters area, to behave like a data element in the data schema. Click the Type label to open the data element.
Primitive Type Displays the data type for simple data elements as in the data schema.
Name Displays the name of the data element as in the data schema.
Display Name Edit the data element display name. The Atomic Action editor supports multiple languages for this field. The field adjacent to Display Name displays your language. You can define a Display Name field value for any language you select from the list.

If your preferences are set up to work in one language only, the system displays only the [default] option. See "Defining Language Preferences" for more information.

Path Displays to which atomic action the parameter belongs.This field is read only.
Namespace Not applicable in Activation.
Multiplicity Select any one of the following:
  • Required: If the required parameters are not available, ASAP will not validate the work orders. The minimum and maximum values are both 1.

  • Optional: If the optional parameters are not available, ASAP will proceed validating the work orders. The minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 1.

  • Range: You can change Minimum, Maximum, and Unbounded only when you select Range. Depending on the minimum value, multiplicity will be either required or optional for an ASAP server. If minimum is 0, multiplicity is an optional parameter for ASAP. If minimum is greater than 0, multiplicity is a required ASAP parameter. Multiplicity can be seen in the build artifact file of the atomic actions in the generated SAR file.

Abstract and Internal Not applicable in Activation.
Deprecated Select to discourage use to the data element.
Length Specify the minimum and maximum length for String data type. This field is read only for data elements that inherit from a parent element.

You must define the minimum and maximum lengths with a non-negative integer between 0 and 999999999. Select Unbounded to define the maximum length as 999999999.

Default Specify a default value. If there is no value in the work order for the parameter the default value is used.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor Parameters Area

Activation Tab

Defining Atomic Action Properties

Activation Tab

Use the Activation tab to modify the run-time type parameter of the data element added in the Parameters tab of the Atomic Action editor. This modification is specific to the atomic action entity.

Field Use
Compound Member Label Displays the same name as the parameter in the Parameters area. You can use the compound member in the code generated Java Action processors (of Java code) to access the compound members of a compound parameter. To rename the compound member, you must select Refactoring from the Atomic Action editor context menu. See "About the Atomic Action Editor Context Menu" for more information.
Runtime Type Displays the parameter as in the Data Dictionary for this data element. You can select any one of the following run-time type parameters, specific to this atomic action entity, and define in this tab:
  • SCALAR: Conventional name-value pair parameters for simple data elements. This is the default when the run-time type parameter is left blank in the Data Schema editor.

  • SCALARS: Applicable to the root-level of structured data elements. The leaf (child) elements become conventional name-value pair parameters. This is the default when the run-time type is left blank in the Data Schema editor.

    For example, you add a structure element, Structure1, and a leaf child element, Child1, with the run-time type left blank in the Data Schema editor. You then add Structure1 to the Parameters area on the Atomic Action editor. Child1 is added along with Structure1. For Structure1, the default ASAP run-time type SCALARS appears in the Activation tab and the leaf child element inherits from the root and has SCALAR.

    Structured scalars elements are converted into individual ASAP scalar parameters by absorbing the structured element names into the scalar parameter name. The example used above for Structure1 and Child1 would appear by default as the ASAP scalar parameter structure1_child1. The default character used to separate the elements in the ASAP parameter names is the underscore (_). It is possible to change this character. See "Activation Preferences Page" for more information.

  • COMPOUND: Contains structures or arrays of information that are represented by a particular structure name or compound parameter name.

  • XML: Used as values for both information parameters and extended work order properties.

  • XPATH: Defines an XPath expression into XML data.

Depending on the run-time type parameter, the labels in this tab are visible. See ASAP Developer's Guide for more information on parameter types.

Atomic Action Label Displays the name of the parameter in the atomic action as in the Data Dictionary for this data element. You can specify a unique name for the atomic action, but this name will be specific to this atomic action entity.
Service Action Label Displays the name of the parameter in a service action mapped to this atomic action. The name is unique and is same as the data element name.
Indexed Select the check box if you want to index the run-time type parameter.
Data Restrictions Specify any restriction on the value of the parameter.
Dependent XML Displays the path of the XML that defines the parameter. This field is available only for the XPATH run-time type parameter.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor Parameters Area

Details Tab

Modeling Activation Cartridge Project Data

Defining Atomic Action Properties

Creating Activation Run-Time Type Parameters in the Data Dictionary

Atomic Action Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab for selecting the routing type of an atomic action to the network element.

Field Use
Routing Support Select a routing type. Based on the selected routing type, the mandatory parameters for the routing type are automatically added to the Parameters area in the Parameters tab.

Note: If you select None, no parameter is added in the Parameters area. Oracle recommends select a routing type. See ASAP System Administrator's Guide.

Provide Parameter Count Select to indicate that the Network Element Processor (NEP) should send the current index value for the atomic action.
Index Count Specify the name of the parameter for obtaining the index value in Java provisioning classes.
Timeout (Second) Specify the number of seconds before the ASAP server considers an atomic action in-progress as failed. The default value is 0, which means ASAP server will not consider the atomic action in-progress as failed.
Select Click to select an atomic action that is called to rollback the changes of the current atomic action in case of a failure scenario. Click X link, if you want to clear the atomic action from the field.

For example, atomic action A is mapped to service action B. The rollback is configured on the service action. On the Atomic Action editor, in the Details tab, for the atomic action entity A, you select an atomic action Y. In case of a failure scenario, the service action B is rolled back and atomic action Y is called to rollback the action of atomic action A.

Retry Select the check box to enable the Retry Count and the Retry Interval fields.
Retry Count Specify the number of times the atomic action can be tried at the network element.
Retry Interval Specify the time interval, in seconds, between each retry attempt by ASAP.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor

Defining Atomic Action Properties

Atomic Action Editor Mappings Tab

Use the Mappings tab for mapping action processors to the atomic action.

Field Use
Open Click to open the action processor selected in the grid.
Clone Click to create a copy of the action processor selected in the grid.
Remove Click to clear the action processor from the grid.
Add Click to map an action processor to the atomic action. The mapped action processor appears in the grid.
Vendor, Technology, and Software Load Displays the vendor, technology, and software load for the selected action processor. You can select an atomic action to map to different action processors based on the vendor, technology, and software load. For example, later when the network element software version changes, you can create another action processor and map that one also to the same atomic action. As entries in the mappings cannot have duplicate vendor, technology, and software, you can update some of them accordingly. This allows you to use the same cartridge even when the software version changes.
Action Processor Displays the name of the action processor selected in the grid.
Script Displays the script that contains the method, as seen on the Action Processor editor, that is executed for the selected action processor.
Command Overview Describes the expected behavior of the action processor when the script in the Script field is called.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor

Defining Atomic Action Properties

Atomic Action Editor Blueprint Tab

Use the Blueprint tab to view the generated documentation for the atomic action entity. This tab is read only.

Related Topics

Atomic Action Editor

Defining Atomic Action Properties