Service Action Editor

Use the Service Action editor to map the service action entity to atomic actions. In the Studio Projects view, double-click a service action entity to open the Service Action editor. You can create the editor using the Service Action Wizard.


The Service Action editor for IP Service Activator service actions is read only. Service actions for IP Service Activator cannot be modeled in Design Studio, only viewed.

When working with the Service Action editor, see the following topics:

Service Action Editor Editor Tab

Use the Editor tab for mapping the ASAP service action to atomic actions, defining properties for the service action, and display the parameter mapping of the service action and atomic actions.

The Editor tab for IPSA service actions is read only and cannot be used to modify or model the service action.

Field Use
Description Specify a description for the Service Action editor.
Vendor, Technology, and Software Load Displays the vendor, technology, and software load for the service action entity in the cartridge project.

There are three states for these fields as follows:

  • Unknown: When a service action entity is created but not mapped to an atomic action.

  • Multiple: When a service action is mapped to more than one atomic action.

  • Vendor, Technology and Software Load: When a service action is mapped to an atomic action, the exact values of the vendor, technology and software load are populated in these fields.

Action Displays the action of the atomic action added in the Service Action Details area in the Atomic Action(s) tab.

There are three states for this field as follows:

  • Unknown: When a service action entity is created but not mapped to an atomic action.

  • Multiple: When a service action is mapped to more than one atomic action.

  • Action: When a service action is mapped to an atomic action, the action of the atomic action is populated in this field.

Related Topics

Parameters Tab

Atomic Action(s) Tab

Command Overview Tab

Properties Tab

Defining Service Action Properties

Parameters Tab

Use the Parameters tab to view the mapping details of the service action and one or more atomic actions.

Field Use
Summary List Select to display in the Service Action Details area, the parameter details of corresponding one or more atomic actions as configured on the Atomic Action editor. On clicking in a specific row, the corresponding atomic action's parameter details are available in the Parameter Map area.
Complete Parameter Map Select to display in the Service Action Details area, the parameter details of the service action and corresponding one or more atomic actions as configured on the Atomic Action editor.

Related Topics

Atomic Action(s) Tab

Command Overview Tab

Properties Tab

Defining Service Action Properties

Atomic Action(s) Tab

Use the Atomic Action(s) tab to map the service action to one or more atomic actions. In the Service Action Details area, you can define the conditions for mapping the service action and the atomic actions.

Service Action Details

Field Use
Seq Displays the sequence number for each atomic action added in the Service Action Details area.
Atomic Action Displays the atomic actions mapped to the service action.
Condition Displays the condition defined for spawning an atomic action.
Label, Value, and Expression Displays the parameter name, value, and regular expression specified in the Atomic Action Conditions area based on the selected condition.
Vendor, Technology, and Software Load Displays the vendor, technology, and software load of the atomic action mapped to an action processor.
Action Displays the action of the atomic action added in the Service Action Details area in the Atomic Action(s) tab. If the service action is mapped to atomic actions with different actions then Multiple appears.
Rollback Point (Optional) Select any one of the following:
  • State: The atomic action is the PNR for partial rollback. If rollback occurs and execution continues beyond this point, rollback occurs to the atomic action but not further.

  • Stop: Beyond the specific atomic action, no rollback can occur.

The default behavior of rollback, when nothing is selected in the Rollback Point column, is a complete rollback of all the atomic actions in a failed work order.

Note: If you want an atomic action to rollback, you must select the Rollback check box in the Properties tab.

Open Click to open the atomic action in the Atomic Action editor.
Remove Click to remove the mapping of the service action and the atomic action from the editor.
Add Click to map an atomic action to the service action.

Atomic Action Conditions

Field Use
Always Select for ASAP to always generate this atomic action command for the specific service action.
Equals Select for ASAP to generate this atomic action command if the service action parameter stated in the Parameter Label field, in the Atomic Action Conditions area, is defined on the service action and has the parameter value as specified in the Parameter Value field.
Defined Select for ASAP to generate this atomic action command if the service action parameter specified in the Parameter Label field, in the Atomic Action Conditions area, is defined on the service action.
Not Defined Select for ASAP to generate this atomic action command if the service action parameter stated in the Parameter Label field, in the Atomic Action Conditions area, is not defined on the service action.
Parameter Label Select a label name from the list.
Parameter Value Specify a value in the field. This field is available when you click the Equals button.
Include Expression Define a logical expression for a service action parameter. The range of options available enables an atomic action to be generated if the service action parameter value is within a range of values, or if the service action parameter is greater than, or less than, or equal to, a specified value. More than one condition can be combined in the expression using AND or OR operator.

For example, a service action, ADD_PHONE, is mapped to an atomic action, A, which has three integer parameters: PARAM1_VALUE, PARAM2_VALUE and PARAM3_VALUE. If you specify the following expression:


then the atomic action, A, from the service action, ADD_PHONE, is spawned only if the expression matches.

Right-click in the Include Expression field area to access the context menu options Cut, Copy, Paste and Select All.

Related Topics

Parameters Tab

Command Overview Tab

Properties Tab

Defining Service Action Properties

Command Overview Tab

Use the Command Overview tab to view the service action and atomic action details.

Related Topics

Parameters Tab

Atomic Action(s) Tab

Properties Tab

Defining Service Action Properties

Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab for defining values for the service action.

Field Use
Level Select a sequence level for the service action within the work order. See ASAP Developer's Guide.
Service Action Completion Event (Optional) Select an event from the list that will be triggered when the service action is complete. See ASAP Developer's Guide and ASAP System Administrator's Guide.
Rollback Select the Rollback check box to configure rollback on the service action. Ensure to select a rollback value in the Atomic Action(s) tab.
Service Action Failure Event (Optional) Select an event from the list that will be called when the service action fails. See ASAP Developer's Guide and ASAP System Administrator's Guide.

Related Topics

Parameters Tab

Atomic Action(s) Tab

Command Overview Tab

Defining Service Action Properties

Service Action Editor Blueprint Tab

Use the Blueprint tab to view the generated documentation for the service action entity. This tab is read only.

Related Topics

Service Action Editor Editor Tab

Modeling ASAP Services

Defining Service Action Properties

Service Action Editor Realization Tab

Use the Service Action editor Realization tab to associate ASAP service actions with a conceptual model technical action.

Field Use
Realizes Click to open the selected technical action in the Action editor.
Select Associates the ASAP service action with a conceptual model technical action. To select from the available conceptual model technical actions, there must be a dependency defined between your ASAP cartridge project and the Model project in which your conceptual model is saved. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

Related Topics

Working with Conceptual Models

Service Action Editor

Defining Service Action Properties