Design Studio Users and Tasks

There are three primary groups of users for the Inventory features of Design Studio:


Modelers are responsible for developing and extending complex models of services, networks, and other parts of your inventory. This involves the following tasks:

Task Reference
Creating Entity Specifications Creating New Specifications

For information about particular kinds of specifications, see the individual sections about them.

Creating Characteristics Creating Characteristics
Creating Configurations Creating Configuration Specifications

Cartridge Developers

Cartridge developers can perform the tasks mentioned previously, and also write the rulesets, extension points, and other entities required to customize UIM behavior. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information about development tasks and procedures.

In addition to modeling, this involves the following tasks:

Task Reference
Creating entity identification specifications Working with Entity Identification Specifications
Creating sequence specifications Working with Sequence Specifications
Creating extension points Working with Extension Points

Working with Enabled Extension Points

Creating rulesets Working with Rulesets
Creating ruleset extension points Working with Ruleset Extension Points
Extending cartridge packs About Cartridge Packs and Cartridges

Extending Cartridge Packs and Cartridges

Deployment Managers

Deployment managers are responsible for build management and are usually advanced users of the version control system. Activities performed by deployment managers may include:

Task Reference
Importing cartridges About Imported Inventory Cartridge Projects
Cleaning projects Running Clean Builds
Resolving build issues Reviewing the Error Log and Problems View
Reviewing error logs Reviewing the Error Log